Sep 27 2012, 03:24 PM
He feel of your one deags and want to learn
Hostage, post: 76318, member: 4929 Wrote::confused:Hostage, this is sako's thread. Even if they're tiny, it's not the place for you to post pictures of yourself. 0.O
Sako, post: 76309, member: 15289 Wrote:Here's something, In my eyes I look like Kaguya, Princess Kaguya of Eientei that departed from the Lunarian world, which is the MOON. Here's a picture of the strong Princess.
Likes = the number of people who think i look like kaguya or maybe similar. ~meow meow~
Spartacus, post: 76339, member: 1060 Wrote:if anime characters are supposed to depict the Japanese, why are their eyes big?Generally anime characters depict artistic ideals with little semblance of realism...just as Japanese dramas depict emotional ideals. It is more of what they enjoy or aspire to than how they see themselves.
Imagine a world where "slanty eyes"(sorry if it's too crude) were seen as criteria for beauty.
Ps: i have Asian eyes when i smile as well.
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