May 31 2013, 06:56 PM
favhwdg, post: 93744, member: 16815 Wrote:what you just read
what you typed made no sense to me at all.
favhwdg, post: 93744, member: 16815 Wrote:what you just read
favhwdg, post: 93741, member: 16815 Wrote:aw...Go on and buy the game, nosteamers means doesn't support the game.
sucks you dont take nosteamers
i was told ya take
and who said nosteam does not support the game?
any ways bkz i was told you accept no steamers imma app
and put LDK
intill i see what happens
the blue goblen
favhwdg, post: 93741, member: 16815 Wrote:aw...As said above:
sucks you dont take nosteamers
i was told ya take
and who said nosteam does not support the game?
any ways bkz i was told you accept no steamers imma app
and put LDK
intill i see what happens
the blue goblen
Quote:5. We do not accept non-steam. This is for CSS only. (Support the game you cheap fucks.)Nosteam means you dont support the game.
Minato Namikaze, post: 94170, member: 17086 Wrote:Name:John
Division Applied For: (Counter Strike Source)
Steam id: xxpwnerlgxx
Sex: Men
Occupation: School Work Military Other (School)
Country or State of Residence: im from america (but i live in uae)
Hours of Availability: i play alot
Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?: No
Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?: No
Previous Counterstrike Experience: Im Very Good (if you want check my screenshots)
Previous Games Played: (Counter Strike Source)
Previous League Experience: (Counter Strike Source)
So if you want to invite meif not
icecoldwind, post: 95489, member: 17135 Wrote:I would like a tryout ;0
pTK, post: 79910, member: 2725 Wrote:Disclaimer - Joining HDK grants no favoritism in admin applications from HDK admins.
HDK Divisions and Leaders
HDK Founders - _RemiX & Ptk
HDK General Leader - Ptk
HDK will be Re-Structuring itself to create a more comprehensive Clan System.
Adding a new dimension to the clan in order to replace the previous divisions. The new system will work by colors. New members are cleared from judgment. MIA/Inactive players will be placed in that section and will not be colored. Leaders/Officers will be colored in Green. This means you have Mod powers in Steam group and are brought in on important HDK decisions. To become green one must demonstrate the following. Activity, Participation in events, Organization of events (pubcrawls, scrims ect), Input in decisions, Reliability, seniority. The next tier is blue. Blue means you are a member that regularly participates in events are fairly active and considered beneficial to the clan. The next step is Yellow. Yellow members are members who have been lacking in event participation, activity or other areas, but are still online and have not declared MIA/Inactivity. There is no penalty in being a yellow, other than horrible terrible shame. Shame on you. (It is possible that I don't see you playing and have mis-appropriately placed you in the yellow zone. Please message me if this is the case).
This list is essentially a seniority list, lets give it a test run and see how it goes. Ill try to update this regularly based on what I see.
LDK is the trial stage for players who wish to join HDK but we are unsure of you or your capabilities. Its a test run if you will. Initiation. Your objective as an LDK Member is to get to know as many HDK members as you can.
LDK Players MUST go through a tryout. Tryouts will be held once a week on Mondays. If you fail your tryout, you will have to wait until next week. Each LDK member may fail 3 tryouts before being kicked from LDK. An HDK officer must be present at the Tryout. You must give the officer and HDK a minimum of 3 days to decide the outcome of the tryout. 2 Additional members on top of the officer must be present. Officers must record a demo for later review by other officers if needed. LDK Players that are waiting for a tryout must notify an HDK officer that they wish to tryout THAT Monday. Multiple players may tryout during one session.
Once a player believes he is ready to go from LDK to HDK, He will then have to apply for HDK using the HDK Application Template that is provided in our High Definition Killing Thread. All HDK Leaders Must Vote Yes or No on the applicant before the applicant is accepted or denied. An approval rating of 80% is Needed to get into HDK.
Be helpful and respecting towards fellow members.
You are in HDK, meaning you ARE better than everyone else. The key is "Know it, don't show it". This means take the high road in flame wars ect. Don't
be cocky, Be confident in your skills.
Racism is a giant no-no. Considering war-lords being a diverse community we will be recruiting many different players of varying cultures.
Show off you skill and prowess by teaching scrubs. Not in a "Hey shitbad you are doing it wrong" type of way, but in a "If you want I can explain to you how to peak corners and stuff." Type of way.
Above all else, Do what you do. If you are a shit talker, go ahead. If you are a camper, Go ahead. If you are an awpWhore. Awp your heart out. If you hate young people, Keep on hating. Do whatever the fuck you like, but you better follow the Rules and Code of Conduct. If one of those young people are in HDK, You will show them mutual respect.
1. No HDK member may hold membership in NightWatch.
2. Tag must be displayed during normal gameplay. (Our goal is number one on all War-Lords servers.
3. You may not apply for HDK if you are pending an admin application for War-Lords.
4. You must wait 2 weeks after Joining HDK to apply for admin for War-Lords.
5. We do not accept non-steam. This is for CSS only. (Support the game you cheap fucks.)
6. HDK is an age friendly clan. All ages accepted, All maturity, not so much.
7. Do not shame us. Shameful actions reflect upon HDK as a whole.
8. Any breaking of these rules will result in expulsion from HDK.
Copy and Paste this for you applicationHDK ApplicationAPPLICATION FOR HDKName:Division Applied For: (What game do you play)Steam id:Age:Sex:Occupation: School Work Military Other (Select one, if other please specify)Country or State of Residence:Hours of Availability:Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?:Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?:Previous Counterstrike Experience:Previous Games Played: (Recent)Previous League Experience: (Any Game)Computer Specs: (Optional)Favorite Weapon: (Optional)Favorite Map: (Optional)Is there anything else you wish to say? (200 words max)[SIZE=4]Please post a new thread with your application, thank you.[/SIZE]
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