Jun 13 2014, 02:50 AM
We are players first. It is someone else's actions that force us to put on the mantle of Admin. We just want to play and have fun, but a certain level of behavior is required. By the same token, certain behaviors are NOT tolerated, and each Admin can interpret different rules differently. FOR EXAMPLE : On Minigames, some Admins look the other way when at the end of a multigame round, one person has won the gun, they kill off all but a friend of theirs, who is on the opposing team. Then, they pass the gun to their friend and the friend mows down everyone on the opposing team. This is stat padding, and, in my opinion, a violation of map/mission objectives. I DO punish for this. Some Admins do not. While this may send mixed messages, I don't only SOMETIMES enforce this, I ALWAYS enforce it. People on Minigames know that as long as the rules are followed, I can take a joke, am usually good for some easy kills, and have a good sense of humor while being just another player. The Admin mantle can be put on for a number of reasons, Alina. You may not be aware if a certain player has caused problems in the past and is being punished, not only for current behavior, but also showing a pattern of rule breaking.
![[Image: 552360_101.png]](http://wls.gameme.com/sig/552360_101.png)