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Bring back more MG players!
Okay, so you are asking for the addition of 35hp_beta, or any other 35hp map of that sort. Although it may seem that 35hp is a popular map,
there are other maps just as popular. Such as Smee and such. Which I find completely annoying.
For 35hp, it basically is just a fruitless knife fight between players. CT and T. I would also like to point out that 35hp can be unfair. Let me list out the pros and cons and then tell you why its unfair.
~ Pros:
- This map is exceedingly popular, and the creator of the map should be proud. It turns out to be very fine tuned and very engaging to most players. This is also a training map for KL members.
- The map has some unique features in it, if you looked at it through hammer you can spot some things that some other 35hp maps do not have.
- The guy who created this map put a lot of effort into it. By adding details into the map than someone who wouldnt do that.
~ Cons:
- This map is (as I said before) fruitless. There is no real motivation to it after the first few times you play it.
- People who LERP (Shorten the time it takes from the mouse to the computer) can easily take out people who don't. Which is a config command that destroys people with 100.0 ms.
- You can't heal. Like you do in the knife arena on jacs multigames. And if you were to look at the scripts closely, you could very well code the map into healing you to 35hp. (Now, left clicks are funny and all. But rather annoying when you are the one being left clicked.)
- I can't stress this enough, people who delay the crap out of the map. There is no timelimit for the map to slay the people so the round doesn't stick around forever.
So you want 35hp to come back, but I just want you to know of some of its pros and cons. They are not bad maps, not at all. In fact, I think for a map that simple, the concept was extremely well implemented. If you want 35hp to come back, then I suggest adding it in, but with alternate maps or modifying the map itself.
~ Congratulations! You just wasted 30 seconds of your life reading this! And now you continue reading and started wasting about 50 seconds of your life!

Messages In This Thread
Bring back more MG players! - by Ranger - Apr 04 2015, 04:57 AM
RE: Bring back more MG players! - by Ranger - Apr 04 2015, 09:54 AM
RE: Bring back more MG players! - by Hilner - Apr 05 2015, 09:22 AM
RE: Bring back more MG players! - by Jackie - Apr 05 2015, 09:51 AM
RE: Bring back more MG players! - by - body- - Apr 06 2015, 09:38 PM
RE: Bring back more MG players! - by - body- - Apr 07 2015, 11:22 PM
RE: Bring back more MG players! - by Jackie - Apr 05 2015, 01:56 PM
RE: Bring back more MG players! - by Forever Alone - Apr 05 2015, 03:45 PM
RE: Bring back more MG players! - by weird nos-team - Apr 05 2015, 10:42 AM
RE: Bring back more MG players! - by Ranger - Apr 05 2015, 10:32 PM

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