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Banned  Report admin abuse and vote kick abuse
(Dec 10 2016, 10:42 PM)sosa Wrote: You are a controversial player, I don't think anybody will deny that. I wasn't present there and I can't be bothered to sit through a demo just because of a 10 minute ban.

I was however present a few days ago when ghoul kept changing the maps you were picking because you were trolling and you yourself admitted that "i'm picking these maps because nobody wants to play them", and if i remember correctly he even initiated a change map to warmup vote, which received 100% of the votes, including yourself, even more proof that you like to troll.

Remember, you are not the only one. 9 people don't have to suffer because you like trolling and picking maps that you know are bad and not fun for anybody.

Your name is getting out there because of crap like this that you pull, and obviously people don't like playing with you, hence the votekicks.

I was just in another game on russka, where bill and kobe and others were mentioning that I was quote "known cheater" to convinve others to kick me, I ended up being mid frag that game, and never said much.
russka game:
sure I was doing bad but I am not used to russka yet.

As for your quote nice try, I actually said that I like to play the maps that people dont always play. And as for the 100% vote, I votes yes as well because everyone was being butt hurt about the map I chose Fair and square. Unnecessary kicks for no reason are the reason I and poasting this, I wouldnt post it if I knew that I did something to provoke these ones. I even consider the most minimal of discrepancies from normal game behavior as a reason to not post a complaint. these on the other hand merit a real discussion.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Report admin abuse and vote kick abuse - by RealRecklezz - Dec 10 2016, 10:52 PM

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