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Banned  Report admin abuse and vote kick abuse
" I saw the last report about calisnipe, where ben- talked about bad players and trolls not allowed to be there".

Personal opinion, which i do not apply as a rule, since i didnt ban 95% of wl population including you ! You can even count the number of time i banned someone on your 2 hands, in 2 years.

You are on other hands one of the biggest troll around, for 1 of many times as exemple, this morning you couldn't leave me alone doing my smokes when the server was empty, you mic spammed like a mofo, said i was bad for this and that, for not knowing this smoke or that smoke. You spammed like a motherfucker, for me to give you a smoke grenade when i told you : "you need to buy 1 in spawn".

First like you said you are new, so shut up and leave people alone, second, i didnt delete you on steam yet cause you are one of the biggest trolls around, already received at least 10 complaints of teamflashes and else about you (So i'll need your side of story, before applying a ban or not) . And third, dont you dare play the innocent like any other dumbass around, who thinks we can't dload a demo or analyze stats to see if a claim is true or not.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Report admin abuse and vote kick abuse - by Ben- - Dec 10 2016, 11:06 PM

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