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Banned  Report admin abuse and vote kick abuse
Case 1: bill nose banned me from a pug for 10 minutes because I said i used to play the map (villa) back in 09. Mind you I was not throwing or doing bad, I had not played it in a really long time, as you can check by my pug history, no games on villa except for the one I was just banned from. I had just wont a 1v1 or a 2v1, dont remember, so I was not throwing. I was not spamming the mic either, I only mentioned that one phrase and it triggered everyone. No chat abuse either. This is just a clear demonstration of admin abuse, the ban even says back in 09 as the reason. Ghoul has done similar in the past (not banning but kicking for no legitimate reason multiple times).

Case 2: Ghoul, bill nose, Sirsnipey, Kobe, young architect, dew, and a few others were repeatedly using the vote kick after the initial 10 minute ban, even thou I came back and said nothing. I would have preferred to go to another pug but there weren't any at the time. This happened 3 times in a row, by the same people, non of which I was doing exceptionally bad or throwing by any form of the word.
First time was on contra where I was on the spectator team, and didn't say anything because I was at the bathroom and when I came back I said I was back and was kicked.
Second time, I rejoined the game and said nothing, but was subbed in and had to make calls, was doing pretty bad but not throwing (notice my contra rws avg is not too good to begin with).
Third time, I was playing on Inferno and was on ct side, was still doing a bit off in the beginning and then won a 2v1 and was immediately kicked.
Sounds like votekick abuse to me.

Its only the first couple of games of the day and I was warming up. I saw the last report about calisnipe, where ben- talked about bad players and trolls not allowed to be there, Well first of all, my rws is going up from that 8.77 and is now 9.77, slight improvement, mostly because I started playing pugs right after I quit playing csgo, which as u can imagine was a big change of game style and play. Regardless I might say cheeky things here and there which can be avoided by using the !ignore command, but I never intentionally lose a game or kill a pug, as for playing those other maps, I actually like them and expect to have what I want if I win my way to captain, which btw Ghoul also switched maps even thou I won the captains round fair and square.

Regardless of what you think of me as a person, I would like you to look at this objectively and tell me what will come of this.
I can take it a couple of times but its been happening too frequently.

Villa game:
Ban info:
Its not abuse, you are the troll of WL and people dont want play with you.

Thanks for your wall of text.
Big Grin
You are a controversial player, I don't think anybody will deny that. I wasn't present there and I can't be bothered to sit through a demo just because of a 10 minute ban.

I was however present a few days ago when ghoul kept changing the maps you were picking because you were trolling and you yourself admitted that "i'm picking these maps because nobody wants to play them", and if i remember correctly he even initiated a change map to warmup vote, which received 100% of the votes, including yourself, even more proof that you like to troll.

Remember, you are not the only one. 9 people don't have to suffer because you like trolling and picking maps that you know are bad and not fun for anybody.

Your name is getting out there because of crap like this that you pull, and obviously people don't like playing with you, hence the votekicks.
(Dec 10 2016, 10:42 PM)sosa Wrote: You are a controversial player, I don't think anybody will deny that. I wasn't present there and I can't be bothered to sit through a demo just because of a 10 minute ban.

I was however present a few days ago when ghoul kept changing the maps you were picking because you were trolling and you yourself admitted that "i'm picking these maps because nobody wants to play them", and if i remember correctly he even initiated a change map to warmup vote, which received 100% of the votes, including yourself, even more proof that you like to troll.

Remember, you are not the only one. 9 people don't have to suffer because you like trolling and picking maps that you know are bad and not fun for anybody.

Your name is getting out there because of crap like this that you pull, and obviously people don't like playing with you, hence the votekicks.

I was just in another game on russka, where bill and kobe and others were mentioning that I was quote "known cheater" to convinve others to kick me, I ended up being mid frag that game, and never said much.
russka game:
sure I was doing bad but I am not used to russka yet.

As for your quote nice try, I actually said that I like to play the maps that people dont always play. And as for the 100% vote, I votes yes as well because everyone was being butt hurt about the map I chose Fair and square. Unnecessary kicks for no reason are the reason I and poasting this, I wouldnt post it if I knew that I did something to provoke these ones. I even consider the most minimal of discrepancies from normal game behavior as a reason to not post a complaint. these on the other hand merit a real discussion.
I agree with recklezz is this sutiation. People were kicking him and as soon as he got back into the game from the 5 minute ban they would kick him again even when he was in spectate. He was doing nothing to troll, they did it just to be annoying.
[Image: tDGgzaS.jpg]
You just troll all the time and you're annoying to listen to. If the community is vote kicking you every time you come back, I think you need to take the hint that the people on the server currently clearly don't want to play with you.
" I saw the last report about calisnipe, where ben- talked about bad players and trolls not allowed to be there".

Personal opinion, which i do not apply as a rule, since i didnt ban 95% of wl population including you ! You can even count the number of time i banned someone on your 2 hands, in 2 years.

You are on other hands one of the biggest troll around, for 1 of many times as exemple, this morning you couldn't leave me alone doing my smokes when the server was empty, you mic spammed like a mofo, said i was bad for this and that, for not knowing this smoke or that smoke. You spammed like a motherfucker, for me to give you a smoke grenade when i told you : "you need to buy 1 in spawn".

First like you said you are new, so shut up and leave people alone, second, i didnt delete you on steam yet cause you are one of the biggest trolls around, already received at least 10 complaints of teamflashes and else about you (So i'll need your side of story, before applying a ban or not) . And third, dont you dare play the innocent like any other dumbass around, who thinks we can't dload a demo or analyze stats to see if a claim is true or not.
(Dec 10 2016, 11:00 PM)Juniorc4 Wrote: I agree with recklezz is this sutiation. People were kicking him and as soon as he got back into the game from the 5 minute ban they would kick him again even when he was in spectate. He was doing nothing to troll, they did it just to be annoying.

Junior after playing with him one time I already knew he was a troll and I ignored him. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that he's a troll. I have since then unignored him and decided to give him another chance. He's not a  bad guy overall and I don't have a personal problem with him, but i guess other people are not as forgiving as I am. As i said before i wasn't there for this incident so i can't speak for what happened, but he has already built up a reputation and people don't want to play with him, I can't do anything to change people's opinions about him, only he can do that.
(Dec 10 2016, 11:11 PM)sosa Wrote:
(Dec 10 2016, 11:00 PM)Juniorc4 Wrote: I agree with recklezz is this sutiation. People were kicking him and as soon as he got back into the game from the 5 minute ban they would kick him again even when he was in spectate. He was doing nothing to troll, they did it just to be annoying.

Junior after playing with him one time I already knew he was a troll and I ignored him. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that he's a troll. I have since then unignored him and decided to give him another chance. He's not a  bad guy overall and I don't have a personal problem with him, but i guess other people are not as forgiving as I am. As i said before i wasn't there for this incident so i can't speak for what happened, but he has already built up a reputation and people don't want to play with him, I can't do anything to change people's opinions about him, only he can do that.

There are plenty of people on the server that I dislike to play with because they are awful at the game and could be considered a troll. Just because they are bad does not give you the right to spam .kick on a player. If all he is doing is being annoying in the chat/voice then the server has an !ignore feature for a reason. Kicking him once would have been fine, but when you drop him 3 times in a row when he is in spec and not actually playing there is a problem and that's a clear abuse of power. Plenty of people don't like me, but they just simply !ignore me all the time, and it should be no different for anyone else.
[Image: tDGgzaS.jpg]
this thread brings me back to 09
Big Grin

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