Dec 13 2016, 10:07 PM
Ok, after reading what people are saying I think this thread can be a guide to not only spider but every player in the WL community.
1) Ben - Let me know what you are going to right in this "guide" you will post. Ill give you some of my input.
2) At any point in any WL pug server any WL player could be the "worst player" in the server. Depending on who is in there.. So everyone can learn things to improve if the choose to do so. I've been in pugs where its just me and lesser skilled players and the RWS totals are 45 (me having about 20-23 RWS). I've also been in pugs where the RWS was 70-75. So it all depends on who is playing at a given time. I personally like to play against higher RWS players. Its not fun for me winning 16-5 and dropping 50 kills... id rather have a challenge. So that is why many times i've suggested a WL pug server with a minimum of 10 RWS to play in.
3) I dont agree with people telling you not to focus on using nades. Nades should be your bread and butter if you arent as good as aiming. If this server had a top 15 of players with the best aim, i would not be on it. But every month i'm 1-3 in RWS. Nade placement and positioning can set up so many easy kills even against the best players in the world (see me talk about that here -------> ). Get good with flashes and kill players when they are blind... its a lot easier, trust me.
I have other videos to watch where i just use spots and flashes to get kills. Im never just running in and fragging like ben or jrc4, they are better than me at that. I focus on out playing people and using the game to its fullest potential. Mix up your spots and be random sometimes.
1) Ben - Let me know what you are going to right in this "guide" you will post. Ill give you some of my input.
2) At any point in any WL pug server any WL player could be the "worst player" in the server. Depending on who is in there.. So everyone can learn things to improve if the choose to do so. I've been in pugs where its just me and lesser skilled players and the RWS totals are 45 (me having about 20-23 RWS). I've also been in pugs where the RWS was 70-75. So it all depends on who is playing at a given time. I personally like to play against higher RWS players. Its not fun for me winning 16-5 and dropping 50 kills... id rather have a challenge. So that is why many times i've suggested a WL pug server with a minimum of 10 RWS to play in.
3) I dont agree with people telling you not to focus on using nades. Nades should be your bread and butter if you arent as good as aiming. If this server had a top 15 of players with the best aim, i would not be on it. But every month i'm 1-3 in RWS. Nade placement and positioning can set up so many easy kills even against the best players in the world (see me talk about that here -------> ). Get good with flashes and kill players when they are blind... its a lot easier, trust me.
I have other videos to watch where i just use spots and flashes to get kills. Im never just running in and fragging like ben or jrc4, they are better than me at that. I focus on out playing people and using the game to its fullest potential. Mix up your spots and be random sometimes.