(Jul 09 2017, 08:52 PM)StolenBread Wrote: Netex posted on aimware about how he was showing off his cheats on twitch and got banned real quick, if you check his other alt account it got vac'd a while back. He is shady as fuck, but if bison let him in then bison let him in. Also is a known ddoser, quick search of his name on ESEA forums and you'll learn everything htere is to learn about the guy.
If you're talking about http://steamcommunity.com/id/neteX/
Then yes thats my account, but look at the hours on it, I bought that account on steamids.net and ill prove it if you need it too. It got vacced right after I put my skins on it lol.
I didnt even get to fucking play on it.
Get your facts straight, and as for ddosing, I quit that in 2013. I have a shady past but people change, just because I did stupid shit when I was a kid doesn't mean I cant grow out of it.
HEY but if you wana be some butthurt children, and DQ my team because of me, go ahead I personally don't care about some FUN tournament that I was asked to play in.
Also you're still not mentioning my LAN exp in CSS/CSGO, youre just mentioning my online stupid shit that I did. I PLAYED ON L A N Buddy and won real $$ lol
I know the truth, Im not a cheater, Im not a ddoser, and im not a fucking bad person. My real life is great. End of story ~
fucking haters.