Aug 05 2017, 03:00 AM
(Aug 05 2017, 02:46 AM)Ben- Wrote: Just dropping this somewhere ....
Ben-: Helmut is so cute
Jewnorc4: uwu
Jewnorc4: ikr
Jewnorc4 is now Away.
Ben-: funny how hes bragging about defeating billnose
Jewnorc4 is now Online.
Ben-: when you did most of the job
Jewnorc4: lol
Jewnorc4: me and my brother carried basically
Ben-: and he had 0 teamates
Ben-: (bill)
Jewnorc4: his words during the match was "tanks for the carry guys i suck rn"
Jewnorc4: LOL
Ben-: can i copy paste this or you dont want helmut to whine on you too ?
Jewnorc4: i really dont care lol
Jewnorc4: go for it 60 adr on a stacked team and bragging, lol.
I can cherry pick matches from the tournament too
The Rival Wrote:Helmut I think you're probably the nicest guy I've ever talked to. I think your CS:S skills surpass literally everyones on the planet. I found your Facebook, and I printed a huge poster of you, and put it on my ceiling above my bed so every day when I wake up I get to stare at your glorious face and remind myself that maybe if I put in a lot of hard work, time and effort then I could probably be as great as youLeague xp-
-K me -