(Oct 25 2019, 04:47 AM)RealRecklezz Wrote:What types of bread do you like, being that I am Guyanese I like roti which is a type on Indian fry bread. I also like sourdough, but I hate wheat and rye.(Oct 23 2019, 11:34 PM)Hamaerox Wrote: If I'm understanding this correctly the following has transpired:
You chose a map from winning captain.
The other players didn't like this map so they decided as a collective to take a vote to change the map.
The majority of players voted yes.
The map was changed.
You are upset at them for changing the map.
I'm assuming this part: you might have lashed out in voice or chat because you really liked that map.
Players decided to kick you.
If I'm understanding what you wrote correctly then the above should be true. The exception could be the assuming part.
If so, the votekick system is in place for exactly this type of event and you deserved the kick.
If I'm not understanding this correctly please feel free to correct me wherever wrong(:
I'm sorry you got kicked but please do understand, this is a democracy and not a dictatorship community, heck even the admins are voted in or out.
In the event players are abusing this is some way multiple times for no reason, it's great to have this report to look back on and let us know(:
I have reviewed the demo and would like to bring some key points to your attention.
I chose the map and I remember the following clearly: When rush_v2 started up, almost nobody spoke and you just see a popup message come up, which most likely came from ghoul because stabbinrabbit has not done that in any of the games in recent history with me. The vote came up and then barely passed. My main issue with this is the questionable nature of the vote. I dislike the idea that your win is essentially negated because of a vote. The vote was taken when choosing rws balance or captains and it should end there. Its like when people voted Trump into office and then his approval rating drops below 40% (https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/tru...l-ratings/) it doesn't mean you run an arbitrary vote 2 years in and vote him out, you wait the whole 4 years.
The part you are assuming is also incorrect. "Lashing out" has a more negative connotation that what actually transpired. I merely mentioned that I did not like the logic behind the changing of the map and that I will be writing to Bison about the issue. It was one sentence and I did not speak further on the matter.
If you assume that the votekick was started because of the "Lashing out" then that's wrong because the vote started before I mentioned my concern. One point that I would like you to take into consideration is the start of the vote to kick. Cake started the vote (hes on my team) and was being verbally antagonistic, the strange part is that right after he started the vote, the snowball effect took place after ghoul voted as the second person (opposite team) and then the rest of the opposite team voted as well. I didnt see who was the last person but I can only assume it was Stabbin since he "!admin" right before I got kicked.
The other thing I wanted to mention is that one might bring up that I was AFK, and while that was true for the 1st round, I was playing for the 2nd and 3rd round (which we won). I was kicked at the start of the 4th round and people cant say that I was AFK because after the round started I didnt move for like 5 seconds and then started moving, and as Im leaving spawn I get kicked.
I would like to know what you mean by "the votekick system is in place for exactly this type of event" more specifically, what event you are speaking of? because being AFK would not be an option and being verbally loud is not grounds for being kicked since the !ignore function is there for that reason. I would like to reference Bison's remarks on this post "https://war-lords.net/forum/thread-16377-page-2.html" when he states that "playing badly (which isn't a valid reason either)".
Ill leave you with a quote: "Gang rape is the purest form of democracy" -someguy online
Edit : Wrong thread