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Griefers on pug servers....
In response to Tommy.

I was by no means claiming the entire community was full of cheats.
However, every server has their bad apples.

Had fun once ppl like the person above left.
Stuck around for 3 pugs. One of which you were in Tommy. GGz btw.

Far as the rest. Its all wavy, like gravy.
Valve will be hanging out sometimes incognito now.
And certain people are flagged for VAC monitoring.

Far as the griefing, and general cyberbullying/cyber harassment.
That will be dealt with as well. UniqueIDs tied to addresses, that can be subpeonad from Valve.

Btw. Never, ever feed Trolls. Keel them with FIre.
Far as " good for ******** ".  Trolls didnt expose anything.
Bigots, and homophobes are what they are. Least in this case.
I mean you sound like yer' tryna defend the Negative Behavior exhibited by some of the people who should be banned.

Fact is, some were pissed. I got them banned through VAC years ago. They lost their accounts. And have jealousy issues. In game, trying to say anything. To get you off your game. Name Calling, Belittling comments. Toxic Behavior. Even went so far as physical threats ( yes criminal charges are possible ).

That said, if it continues, and wL continues to provide a platform for these Cyber Criminals to conduct their illegal cyber harassment / cyber stalking.

Well. Hate to see wL taken down cause of a few bad apples.
See in this day, and age. Civil lawsuits and Criminal Charges are possible.

Ttyl Tommy. Cya around css /  wL somewhere.

To HG / Pen....
Sit tight buttercup, you were flagged for VAC.
Yours and your friends' harassment, and stalking are documented. I advise that you Cease and Desist.

Messages In This Thread
Griefers on pug servers.... - by StealthMode - May 30 2023, 03:18 AM
RE: Griefers on pug servers.... - by tommy. - May 30 2023, 03:31 AM
RE: Griefers on pug servers.... - by StealthMode - May 30 2023, 07:37 AM
RE: Griefers on pug servers.... - by 150DreamTeam - May 30 2023, 06:24 PM
RE: Griefers on pug servers.... - by Lewis - Jun 04 2023, 10:03 PM
RE: Griefers on pug servers.... - by 150DreamTeam - Jun 09 2023, 12:06 AM
RE: Griefers on pug servers.... - by Falco - Jun 13 2023, 02:19 PM
RE: Griefers on pug servers.... - by 150DreamTeam - Jun 14 2023, 04:26 AM
RE: Griefers on pug servers.... - by tardbus - May 30 2023, 02:38 PM
RE: Griefers on pug servers.... - by fangu - Jun 13 2023, 03:48 AM

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