Aug 07 2023, 07:29 AM
Sir plz step away from the mayo think you drank to much... You know we all weren't lagging at the same time yes maybe when spawned first 10 seconds of round and then all randomly like someone I was there playing it people looked like robots... Looks like server dropped packets and then threw them all at one time for that person. I PMED bison all about what I have been seeing down to when lag starts and who was last person connected into the server when ISSUES happened... Now if someone Is cheating or not I honestly wouldn't trust any of those lagged demos. I probably have the best sound calling in the server and I can honestly say server glitching hardcore snd_restart snd_sound_flush room_type record 1000000000 times retry nothing fixed it besides server restart. Not saying you are wrong or right but with those server conditions I do not think a ban would be fair IMO ..I know last night server felt the best it has in few days I still got lag but nothing like the past few days got anything from those that looked SUS beside PIN crying about my aimbot? TTYL
Misses BISON Hourly, trolling never feels right without JOoooooooooooooooooooooo