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CS:S Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs! :)
Scrim tips (Gonna be messy), but since we're starting more scrims.

Building a team:
You can take 5 pubstars and make a team. You'll do pretty good against most teams, but I don't believe it's a group that's going to win in league play. Keep in mind, essentially makes CS:S into nearly a new game filled with tactics, skill, and luck (Not so much on luck.)

The first thing you want is a designated strat caller. You want someone who has experience scrimming, knows the proper routes, locations, and kill zones, and is willing to make the calls for the team. This strat caller is the quarterback for the entire team, and you, as a player, need to follow their lead. Keep in mind, they aren't mind-readers, and without wall hacks, they aren't going to be able to call the perfect strategy every time. A truly successful team has players who can all call strats with relative ease, and are able to adapt to any situation.

Now, you're set to build your team, and yes, this is why professional gaming squads have team managers. You need to find players that are not only good, but also complement your play style. When you have two players that can essentially mind-read each other's actions, you're going to have a various dangerous weapon in your hands.

Having excellent players all around is great, but when they die, you're left without guidance, and without a strong force. You need to balance your team so that everyone works well together and can accept a loss. Accepting losses both maturely and without blame is crucial to the life of the team. If you're constantly having arguments within each other, it does affect you psychologically within the game, and can be a factor in your loss. Make sure your team is close.

When splitting the team into squads, especially for A & B defense, you want two players that work well together. Also keep in mind, that you want to pair better players with weaker players, so you don't have a strong holdout at B, while getting wrecked at A every round. This is no time for pride. Your score doesn't matter in a scrim, it's the final team score and how much you won by.

Bomb Planting:
1) Clear the bombsite completely, includes checking the obvious and random corners. I'm guilty of this as well, but it's an easy way to get an Ace. As soon as someone calls the site clear, I relax and let my guard down. I like clearing up to where you're going be hiding, but it's up to you.
2) Make sure everyone knows where the bomb is planted, if they try to ninja defuse, this will allow you shoot through the smoke and flashes to kill them.
3) Certain maps have places where you can "hide" the bomb, or make it really easy to defend. Make sure you announce this to your team.
I'm super lazy and I'll just link you to this website for bomb planting: ... omb_Plants

Defending the bomb:
1) A good team will rush as a Team, and coordinate a quick but coordinated attack. These attacks typically include HE grenades, multiple flashes, and smokes. Be expecting this, and you can respond with your own to slow them down or to split them. Nade stack with your team, and play your positions. I suggest peeking not peeking, maybe once or twice to gather an orientation.
2) Remember, your jobs as a defender is simply to delay and stall the team from defusing the bomb. Don't die trying to kill one of their guys, let them come to you. You're a distraction, a delay, every second counts.
3) Watch the fake defuse, or a real defuse. It's tricky. Many players when faced 1 on 1 will attempt to fake defuse to draw people out to kill them. It's the right thing to pop out depending on time, but many players use it a ruse. However, this is not to say that they are not actually defusing... so take it as you will. Note, it takes 5 seconds to defuse with a defuse kit... so be careful.

Rotating to defuse the bomb:
You should hit the bombsite with force, pref. with your whole team. Situation really calls for tactical awareness, if you can escape, typically go for it, but if you can take out 2+ guys, but you're going to die. Die and take em out. Having even 1 extra person is a huge advantage to any gun fight.

Assaulting a defended position requires timing and team tactics, not unlike a real life assault. You're entering the location with minimal information and noise. Call where you see people especially if it's an assault from all sides. It depends on map, but general nadestack in, flashbangs out, and maybe a smoke (I personally hate that), but make sure your team is there with you and ready to rush.

1) 1st Round: Reliant on what you're playing, and what strat you're going to be using on the map.
Example: Rushing T side. My old team liked to rush Short A on de_dust2. Lead buys flash, second buys deagle, third (bomb) saved, fourth had HE & Flash, fifth had smoke. First flashes and rushes, second attempts the 1 deag, third gets it down, and the fourth and fifth cover the rear advance. It's going to vary per round
Example: Camping CT side. For de_dust2, we did a 3-2, split. 3 B, 2 A. 1 person at each location buys a defuse kit. 1 person at each location also buys 2 flash bangs. That way, there's a defuse kit on each bombsite that you can pickup, Bombsite A flashbangs are for delay, while bombsite B flashbangs are for transition to A.

2nd Round: Generally, I like if you win, you get MP5's/Deagle/Nade. Not all of em, especially since 3rd's typically the eco round. It gives you an advantage over the stock guns, and you have enough power to take out 2-3 in a direct bum rush.
3rd Round: Eco
4th Round: Rifles/AWP

The best advice to give is to actively talk to your team. When you're dropping a gun the next round, make sure you let your teammates know so they might not have to buy the next round. If you have money, buy for your team. Make sure you don't run too many AWP's, and that each site has a weapon set that's effective to defend. When attacking, make sure you know whose throwing grenades where. Nothing's worse than getting hit by your own flashbang, smoke or grenade simply through a miscommunication.

If you have an MP5 and you're going to buy a M4/AK/AWP the next round, and none of your teammates need a weapon, drop the weapon before the next round begins. This prevents the other team from picking up your gun.

Buying, surprisingly, is highly scientific and it's a game within itself. In closer, more competitive games, it'll come down to not only how you shot them, but with what gun did you shoot them with. Make sure you play your strengths, and your team knows the strengths of each individual player. Your strat caller can also be the one who will call for a buy round and/or an eco round.


Which brings us to Teamspeak. Teamspeak is a wonderful utility that is highly useful when scrimming any team. The main benefit of Teamspeak is that it allows you to talk with your team when you're dead. Therefore, everyone should at least be on Teamspeak and bonus points if you have a mic. Voice communications are so much faster than anything you can do.

Teamspeak allows a team to coordinate a attack strat (T-side) with relative ease and without too much of a miscommunication. The strat caller should be the only one speaking at the beginning of the round, except for those who are asking if anyone needs weapons. Do not deviate from the plan without good reason. The strat caller is essentially the quarterback for your team and chances are, the little push that you just did is going to end up getting the entire team killed.

Teamspeak also allows you to coordinate the defense (CT-side). Call your positions, and call your locations. One of the largest problems is the fact that people do call the fake and say BOMB B, when in fact it's a fake. Don't call BOMB, until you actually see Bomb, or you can see bomb dropped on the radar. Instead, what you should do is call, 1 B, or Flash & Smoke Mid. It is OK to rotate if there's 3 Terrorists going to a 2 defense bombsite, but make sure you leave that one guy at the other site in case it's a split.

The first you should do when you die (when you die alone or with a partner) is to state where you died from, and if it's a simply where you got picked or naded, declare what you got hit from. I also personally like it when people call the number of players. Always do your team first, so it'll be 2 (Your team) - 4 (Their team), just so your team knows how many players the other team has. Now, you can't slack off since you're dead, play your team's screens, listen for footsteps. Chances are you might be able to give your teammate the headsup on a flank of some sort. I also like to cycle through players to gain kind of a tactical commander outlook on the situtation.

Does somebody want to do the money rewards?
Money received from planting bomb and bomb exploding:
Money received from planting bomb and killing all CT's before bomb exploding:

So on and so forth. I don't remember them.

Probably crappy so far, been bouncing and writing this while doing work work, so yea. Disclaimer: It's what got me through leagues, everyone does it differently. Adjust plans to fit your team's style of play. More to come later.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
CS:S Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs! :) - by bSprout - Jun 28 2011, 09:26 AM
RE: CS:S Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs! :) - by joker8baller - Jul 06 2011, 09:13 PM
RE: CS:S Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs! :) - by Bah - Jul 19 2011, 01:13 PM
RE: CS:S Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs! :) - by keek - Jul 21 2011, 07:18 PM
RE: CS:S Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs! :) - by Bah - Aug 14 2011, 12:27 AM
RE: CS:S Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs! :) - by Sol - Aug 14 2011, 04:35 AM

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