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Resolved  Admins and Their Rulezz, 2011 Hitlers Part 2
They don't use inappropriate language to the extent that you do. Just one look at your chat history demonstrates your immaturity.

Your English is hard to understand, so forgive me if I misunderstand.

But the simple solution is, don't have such a foul mouth and such an attitude. Shape up your gameplay and your usage of words or you're not going to get far in life. You can state what you want to say but in reality admins aren't unleashing their frustration out on you. You can't go around saying "fuck" repeatedly in 99% of the servers out there, and nor can you do it in life, so why would you do it? It doesn't make you cool, it makes you look illiterate and rude.

Using profane language as "fuck" repeatedly isn't acceptable in any environment. It may be used in foreign environments such as a battlefield, but no one wants to see or hear you say the F-bomb repeatedly. There are situations where it's suited, but continued usage of such language is never acceptable. In this situation, you were wrong.

When you start to question the admin authority, tell the admin "fuck you" and then ask him to ban you, he's going to ban you. He is given that right because he helps the community grow and keeps in in track. You said you're Indian, and not from the US correct? Then how would you know what is socially acceptable? Saying "fuck" isn't socially acceptable in the US either, so.... your point is wrong. And you're argument overall is wrong.

And if you don't want to play here, then... don't. We're one of the most popular CS:S servers out here, so a loss of a player who doesn't understand social bounds isn't going to hurt us much.

krishj Wrote:admins here really do whatever they want, and their atttitude, omg they are admin not to play but to ban and stuff
Your attitude is simply worse, and you demonstrate it with your poorly backed arguments and threads.

If we admins are here to ban and stuff, then why are most of the admins highly ranked on the server and with a lot of play time? We don't do whatever we want, and we are bound by rules. You broke a rule, you were punished. It's as simple as that.

I'll pose this question to you, if we "only ban and stuff" and "are not here to play", then why do you only have 10,000 points total in your team at War-Lords? You have about 24 hours in War-Lords.

Let's use myself as an admin for example. I have about 72,000 points in total. So apparently I play a lot more than you. I have 17 days in War-Lords, so that's about 408 hours. And this is while working 3 jobs. So I do play a lot, cheers though.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Admins and Their Rulezz, 2011 Hitlers Part 2 - by joker8baller - Aug 18 2011, 08:34 AM
RE: Admins and Their Rulezz, 2011 Hitlers Part 2 - by Anonymous - Aug 18 2011, 02:25 PM

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