Sep 03 2011, 06:21 AM
I, The Rival Wrote:Eternal94 Wrote:I, The Rival Wrote:All of that is cool, but you're forgetting a few things :
- You ignored an admin. I politely asked you to change your name, or you would get a ban. I had dealings with several racist people earlier, and I have a massive dislike for racism.
- I did not know who you were. Anyone could claim to be any ethnicity on a CS:S server, and no one would know the difference. I treat all racist remarks the same, I don't care what colour you claim to be. I can see from that picture that you're not white, but it doesn't mean that your name wasn't offensive to black people. Somebody even thanked me for removing you from the server, so obviously you had offended someone apart from me.
- I read the rules of being an admin. I'm a good admin.
- It wasn't an extreme ban. It was a days ban. I was considering removing it entirely, that's why I quit out of CS:S to come and check the Sourcebans, check the Steam ID and see who it belonged to. Then I checked the chatbox, and realised you had already started flaming me. So then I thought I should probably leave it at a day, give you time to cool down.
- My hair length doesn't really have anything to do with what you're angry about. Personal attacks on me won't get you anywhere, and they don't really bother me. You think I haven't been subjected to every single remark about my appearance possible? I have. I live with it, because it's who I want to be, and it's how I want to look.
So yeah :/
What is your problem?