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Resolved  "Cesc" STEAM_0:0:491182216 Hacking
Xaniaar Wrote:Hostage....
I Am Undisputed.
What Are U Saying Bro???
I am Hacking???
U Will Always Kill Me And How I Can Be Hacker??
If I am Hacker What Is Mahone And A lot Player That I Cant Remmember Now!!!
Unestly U Hax A Lot Bro...
U R Cheater Not Me
U Said In Map Couple Of Time Ago Every One Is Hacking In This Server And Its Not A Problem. AND U SAID DONE!!!!
I Am Sure Sol And All Players In Top 10 EXEPT Whitefang Are Cheaters.
AND Now U Will Say I Am CHEATER??
Take Demo Of Mahone And That Guy His Name is Like Picture Of FLY!
AND THESE GUYS: Uncle Ric-Rac , Grif , Humboldt.OG.Kush , P4 , Hostage , Bah_- , .: PLUTONIUM :.
Hostage U R Not Always But Often U Will Cheat AND I AM SURE. I Dont Have Time To Take Demo Of U And These Guys But U Can SPEC These guys FOr Once.
All Have Many Players Are Wallers And U Know It But Why U Saying I AM AND CESC??!!
Dont Do It Bro. Be Unest...
U Can Ask From Angel That These Guys Are Cheaters Or No.... He Is All Time In The Server
BY All

This has very little to do with what you are talking about. It's the reason I deleted this post in the first place (someone restored the post though).

We are talking about the mostly conclusive evidence of Cesc hacking in the provided demo, in the demo I have of him, and the several demos that Hostage has.

Sol and Hostage are legitimate players, as I have played with them many times, and spec'd them myself for hacks.

The other players you mention :

Humboldt OG Kush - Suspicious player, but I suspect he's legit for the time being
Plutonium - Big time baiter, but still legit as far as I have seen
P4 - Banned, along with his entire clan for team stacking.
Bah - He's clean, and extremely bad at the game.
Mahone - Absolutely wrecks everyone on that server, and it's pure skill.

Uncle Ric Rac and Grif, I havent seen play, but you can be sure that I will check them now that you have claimed that they hack. If your accusations turn out to be false though, you're not going to be taken seriously in the future, as you're calling hacks on a lot of people.

As for you, Undisputed, the only thing you're guilty of is masking your ping. I suggest you fix that, as I don't believe that your actual ping is 1.
If you read this, you suck.

Messages In This Thread
"Cesc" STEAM_0:0:491182216 Hacking - by Bah - Sep 10 2011, 10:41 PM
RE: "Cesc" STEAM_0:0:491182216 Hacking - by Bah - Sep 10 2011, 11:02 PM
RE: "Cesc" STEAM_0:0:491182216 Hacking - by Riser - Sep 11 2011, 06:15 AM
RE: "Cesc" STEAM_0:0:491182216 Hacking - by Xaniaar - Sep 11 2011, 07:50 PM
RE: "Cesc" STEAM_0:0:491182216 Hacking - by I, The Rival - Sep 11 2011, 11:02 PM
RE: "Cesc" STEAM_0:0:491182216 Hacking - by Riser - Sep 12 2011, 10:59 AM
RE: "Cesc" STEAM_0:0:491182216 Hacking - by Xaniaar - Sep 12 2011, 02:06 PM
RE: "Cesc" STEAM_0:0:491182216 Hacking - by Riser - Sep 12 2011, 02:25 PM
RE: "Cesc" STEAM_0:0:491182216 Hacking - by Xaniaar - Sep 12 2011, 03:37 PM
RE: "Cesc" STEAM_0:0:491182216 Hacking - by FenKeN - Sep 12 2011, 05:36 PM

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