Oct 17 2011, 03:43 PM
What? Windows 8? Okay I'll try to understand you...
HbK|DeNVeR Wrote:guyz help
when is installed widnows 8 devloper preview (you installed windows 8 Dev Preview) , and played css my point got chnaged (I guess your cursor or crosshair got changed?) , wen i luked the network shows network 2 , i think this may be the problem (Network and crosshair/Cursor?...irrelevant)
so plz help , how i can get the old point bakĀ :'(
i reinstlled windwos 7, and point was same but still (Okay... I get this)
i need to play in windows 8 :'( (You can just use Windows 7?)
pTK Wrote:Never a cheater, but could be a cheater, Once a cheater, less likely legiter. Ruplayer you bitter, You gotta admit everyone's a commiter.