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I never said "get out".

I'll try and explain this one time. There is no use me giving out answers without people learning something. Also apologies if any of this information is wrong, but I think I have a decent enough understanding.

The way it works in CS:S is that you're constantly sending updates to the server. These updates (actually called "packets") contain information such as :

- Where you are on the map
- What you can see (or what you should be able to see)
- Whether you're firing or not (or any action, for that matter)
- Whether you're moving or not
Just basically all the information about YOU that the server needs to know to place your character in the game, and for your character to be able to interact inside the map.

Now at the same time, you're receiving a whole bunch of these "packets" from the server. These include the positions, actions and whereabouts of everyone else in the server. Obviously you're not accessing all this information all the time, the server sends it to you when its necessary (for example, if you see someone else in the game, or if someone is firing at you and hits you).

So you have "traffic" coming in and out of your computer. If you have too much "traffic" for your connection to handle, then you experience "choke", which is when your connection is flooded with more data than it can handle. On the other side of that, if you aren't sending data quick enough to the server, or the "packets" are being lost along the way, then you will experience "loss".

The client side (thats your side) cvars (commands that you put in console) will, for the majority, handle how much data you are sending and receiving from/to the server. The server does have limits as to how much it can send/receive at one time, but as long as the client side cvars are less than or equal to the server side values, then you will be fine.

But sometimes, and possibly in this case, people don't set their rates properly. Usually I see the main problem coming from peoples internet connections not being able to send/receive the data quick enough.

What you should have, at least, is your cl_updaterate and cl_cmdrate set to 66. You can do this by opening console and typing

cl_updaterate 66
cl_cmdrate 66

This will mean that you're matching the servers rate at which it sends and receives data.

Now I'll actually go into what is behind the net_graph screenshot you posted.

net_graph is actually split horizontally. It's something people don't realise, because they read everything in grids. The main 2 lines you need to concentrate on are the 2nd and 3rd. You see they start with "IN" and "OUT"? Well, they go horizontally across.

That bit that says "IN" is what is being received by you from the server. The bit that says "OUT" is what you're sending to the server. From left to right :

- The size of the "packets" being sent by the server, and being received by you. This is in kilobytes. This will change throughout the game, sometimes quite rapidly. That's fine. The one next to "OUT" is the size of the "packets" that you are sending to the server. This will also change.

- The average amount of kilobytes per second being sent from the server, and being sent from you.

- The average amount of "packets" being sent from the server, and being sent from you.


What I can tell from your net_graph posting is that you are consistently failing to provide adequate amounts of data to the server at a high enough speed. In other words, your internet sucks.

Just an example, in the last screenshot :

- You're sending 14.8 packets per second.
- Each packet is 101 kilobytes
- You're sending it at a speed of 1.64 kilobytes per second.

Now granted, the last value (14.8/s) can often be completely wrong, and sometimes even impossible. But the fact of the matter is, you're sending packets too slowly to the server.

I'm really not sure what you can do about this. You're either being blocked by a firewall (maybe in your router), being limited by your ISP, or your ISP just plain sucks and hates you playing games. It could be other people in your house uploading/downloading data. It could be several things.

My main advice would be make sure you set your rates to the server default (like I said up above) or find a better ISP.
If you read this, you suck.

Messages In This Thread
Fps Sh!tty - by Knowpain - Nov 12 2011, 03:02 PM
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RE: Fps Sh!tty - by Knowpain - Nov 12 2011, 03:16 PM
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RE: Fps Sh!tty - by SpartanOnLSD - Nov 12 2011, 05:26 PM
RE: Fps Sh!tty - by I, The Rival - Nov 12 2011, 05:52 PM
RE: Fps Sh!tty - by Knowpain - Nov 12 2011, 06:58 PM
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RE: Fps Sh!tty - by Knowpain - Nov 12 2011, 07:07 PM
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RE: Fps Sh!tty - by I, The Rival - Nov 12 2011, 07:12 PM
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RE: Fps Sh!tty - by Knowpain - Nov 12 2011, 07:16 PM
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RE: Fps Sh!tty - by BaNaNaMaN - Nov 12 2011, 08:25 PM
RE: Fps Sh!tty - by I, The Rival - Nov 12 2011, 08:54 PM
RE: Fps Sh!tty - by Knowpain - Nov 13 2011, 04:56 AM
RE: Fps Sh!tty - by I, The Rival - Nov 13 2011, 10:11 AM
RE: Fps Sh!tty - by Knowpain - Nov 13 2011, 10:44 AM
RE: Fps Sh!tty - by BaNaNaMaN - Nov 13 2011, 11:18 AM
RE: Fps Sh!tty - by I, The Rival - Nov 13 2011, 11:25 AM
RE: Fps Sh!tty - by SpartanOnLSD - Nov 13 2011, 12:39 PM
RE: Fps Sh!tty - by Knowpain - Nov 13 2011, 03:58 PM
RE: Fps Sh!tty - by SpartanOnLSD - Nov 13 2011, 04:19 PM

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