Dec 20 2011, 05:48 AM
but most likely they are going to unban because he "Spamed the button" and it false triggered like Phistim.
like this would be a better example ... /#msg40643
You guys should just stop being faggots to each other. if you want to continue your sissy ass fight go to the Flames section or better yet do it on steam where no one else will see it.
like this would be a better example ... /#msg40643
You guys should just stop being faggots to each other. if you want to continue your sissy ass fight go to the Flames section or better yet do it on steam where no one else will see it. ... n#msg34895
^^^^ Click and say Thank you to the guys who keep
this shit going.NOW^^^^
naive Wrote:I've fallen asleep cuddling a laptop before, don't judge me.