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Space Shuttle Enterprise flies again
just to clear some things out.
The strong Syrian opposition is formed of criminals & exiled officers & a bunch of extremists, they messed up a a lot while they were in high positions in the Syrian Government, one of them that is very famous & backed up by "israel" which is "Abdulhaleem Khadam" he was punished with being exiled from Syria because he Agreed on a deal with the US to get the US Nuclear waste to be buried in Syrian Soil, which made the people very mad + allowing the 'Israelies soldiers to occupy the "Golan Heights" which took lots of lives from the Syrian Army during the 1967 war, the others are much much worse.

But the US has a very strong "Mind Washing" machines "Media" that mind washed lots of Syrians inside & outside, made them think that the president is a dictator & he was killing his own people, but in fact the leader was doing everything he can to minimize the loses.

supported by the US & Saudi Arabia extremists Terrorists kept being smuggled into Syria from the Turkish, Jordan, Lebanese & Iraqi borders, they killed, destroyed, burned, assassinated People from the Government & the military & civilians taking advantage of Civilians knowing that the Army will not open fire in cities, but then thing got really worse police men were being shelled with mortars (Made in the US) and civilians were being mugged & tortured to join those terrorists, which was nothing to sit & watch, so the Syrian Army started operations that took months to purify the cities from those terrorists relying on effective Intel's form the people... which the UN, US, Even the Arab Agents for the US called it "Mass Killing for those who oppose" lies were being made by the "millisecond" to fake a situation that would justify a military intervention in Syria, but they couldn't even get close ;P luckily Syrians were much more united than ever & they still are, which hardened the leaderships decisions to end the crisis, &  by the way I'm gonna state what the "Opposition Demands were" & how the president reacted to these demands:

1- Canceling the One party rule (Al-Baath party which was combined of All the people in the country).
2- Ability to activate the politic other party's & give them a chance to rule.
3- more strict measures in elections.
4- .....

Do you know what the president do?
- He threw our current constitution into the garbage, & created a completely new one, & threw it to the people through the polls, & the majority agreed to it, & there you go a new constitution was made with a worldly standards + each month or two a new "Amnesty Law" is issued to those who didn't have blood over their hands.

tell me would the US president ever do that?
I don't think so.

& Still People went to the streets in millions ("none of these marches were aired on international media") supporting the president, they actually adore him, because they know that everything he did, was for the sake & the dignity for the Syrian people, unlike some leaders in US & Europe who brought nothing but shame & disgrace to their people.
[Image: bxj6gaq99c9hyvinfkvn.jpg]
[Image: w0l5y0.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Space Shuttle Enterprise flies again - by silly - Apr 28 2012, 12:58 AM
RE: Space Shuttle Enterprise flies again - by silly - Apr 28 2012, 02:21 PM
RE: Space Shuttle Enterprise flies again - by silly - Apr 29 2012, 09:03 AM
RE: Space Shuttle Enterprise flies again - by silly - Apr 30 2012, 12:44 AM
RE: Space Shuttle Enterprise flies again - by silly - May 02 2012, 09:49 PM
RE: Space Shuttle Enterprise flies again - by silly - May 02 2012, 09:58 PM
RE: Space Shuttle Enterprise flies again - by silly - May 02 2012, 10:07 PM
RE: Space Shuttle Enterprise flies again - by MindHACKer - May 05 2012, 01:37 AM

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