Jul 31 2012, 01:41 AM
Quote:You're attempting to weave around the logical fact that there's a hugely restrictive and biased awp monopoly, strangely enough, by revealing that you're an awp hog who's presumably motivated by an insatiatiable awp greed.Guess I have a deagle greed. And it's insatiaible.
There's no workaround to fix this. People play with the guns they want to play with. This awp monopoly bullshit that people keep spreading is crap. One awp per team, and everyone has a chance to get it. Can't buy fast enough? Get better so that you can.
Or remove all limitations. Imposing further limitations to get rid of this bullshit "awp monopoly" is only going to further limit people who like using the gun and who are capable of using it.
I don't have problems with it. The fact that people are saying that it's "hard to get" or "requires binds", then use your pre-determined bind! One of the important things of the game is to know how to buy fast and know your buy keys.
The voucher idea may be a tad bit fairer, but like Tea points out, it only forces players to stick with the style of play you want. Everyone's style of play is different, and just because you don't like the current style doesn't mean it's wrong.
More limitations might get rid of your "awp monopoly (still think that's crap) but it's catering to noobs, and a specific style of gameplay. Let the game be played it was meant to be. We obviously can't let AWP's run rampant, so let's use the standard that has been on the majority over the servers for the past 7 years I've been playing CS. If there was a serious problem, or it needed to be changed, or it was unfair, there would have been changes over the last 7 years.
We don't need to cater to noobs, we'll just prevent them from getting better.
Edit: Tea and I might seem like we're oldschool, but we've been around the block. We've seen a lot, and been through servers that have tried changes on the rules on the AWP. The least unsrestrictive for players is the one-two awp per rule team and it's ALWAYS first come first serve.. It works, it's as simple as that. People understand it, and it's a standard that's held true. Anything more restricts one's gameplay a lot.
I get it, people are mad about certain people using the awp, but get over it. It's not an insanely overpowered weapon, and with teamwork, an Awper is easy to take out. People use guns they like to use. If they can beat everyone to it, then so be it. Learn to buy faster. Hell, has anyone tried asking for it? We don't need to cater to every demand from some kid, just get better. It forces you too. No AWP? Train with a scout. There are so many better options then restricting it more than this.