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Suicide_Commando Introduction - Thats how we roll
What's up guys, been digging the CSS servers you guys have and hope to get to know more of you guys. I live over in Arizona and live the dream every day! I work in a hospital laboratory and work with everything you can imagine, and on the side I DJ alternative/industrial/fetish events. Can't make that shit up! Here is my soundcloud if you want some jams to listen to while you are playing and a second of I live for Las Vegas and go there about once a month. I can jabber all day but this is a good start! Cheers!
By creating a legacy, by living a life worth remembering, you become immortal

Messages In This Thread
Suicide_Commando Introduction - Thats how we roll - by Suicide_Commando - Aug 06 2012, 12:30 PM

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