Aug 10 2012, 08:41 PM
Stacked maps in public servers imo:
For CT = Aztec / Nuke / Train / Cbble/ Inferno
For T = Italy / Assault / Compound / Piranesi
I think there should always be allowed 1 awp per side no matter how many players. Maybe give the team at a disadvantage 1 additional.
ps. Maybe we could swap cs_assault and cs_compound (2 rarely voted maps) for de_cpl_fire and de_cache (2 good public maps)
For CT = Aztec / Nuke / Train / Cbble/ Inferno
For T = Italy / Assault / Compound / Piranesi
I think there should always be allowed 1 awp per side no matter how many players. Maybe give the team at a disadvantage 1 additional.
ps. Maybe we could swap cs_assault and cs_compound (2 rarely voted maps) for de_cpl_fire and de_cache (2 good public maps)