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Denied  fuzzy pootie tiger
[INDENT=1]Name: Fuzzy Pootie Tiger
Steam ID : _0:0:47897521
Age: 18
Timezone: Pst-
Availability: On mostly about 6-9hrs a day
Tell us something about yourself: I love cooking food and playing css all day. I am currently a chef now i was a owner of my own lawn company until the seasonal work has changed. I can be very strict about policys and i have OCD so if it bothers me it does.
Reason For Admin Application: the reason i am applying for admin is due to the lack of admin to be on at all times and ecspecially on MG servers. I play there only and dont have any other servers (i know lame) but i use my time wisely and watch people like hawks. I honestly hate coming on every day or 2 to post a player abuse.[/INDENT]
Thanks for taking time to read
[Image: 481925_101.png]

Messages In This Thread
fuzzy pootie tiger [DENIED] - by pooterking69420 - Aug 31 2012, 01:49 PM
RE: fuzzy pootie tiger [DENIED] - by Fuzzy Izzie - Aug 31 2012, 05:26 PM
RE: fuzzy pootie tiger [DENIED] - by NoBoss - Aug 31 2012, 07:15 PM
RE: fuzzy pootie tiger [DENIED] - by s p a c e - Sep 01 2012, 08:49 AM
RE: fuzzy pootie tiger [DENIED] - by M. Bison - Sep 18 2012, 08:59 AM

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