Sep 09 2012, 11:47 PM
Don't get me wrong guys, It's not that I don't like Platty. It's just (now I understand I deserve it) that shit annoys the fuck outta me. (Hmm guess I see how he feels).
Now, you said you would be ALOT MORE STRICT, and teamstacking is against the rules. Isn't it? Then just kick the stackers. Tough guy
"Brawl Bashin’ Bison: no spamming, no harassing, do objectives, etc"
Yes you can ban me for that. And you better not just ban me for it. Get the others as well that harass.[/quote]
Drunk I would love for you to be admin again.
Platform, post: 74817, member: 2749 Wrote:It's my way of calming the server down.... /unmute 10 seconds later.....
Not to mention i could easily ban you, narnia and everyone else that like to call me a faggot/other names every fucking time i log on, and teamstack, but i don't do it. I'll just ignore because i see it as small things.
Now, you said you would be ALOT MORE STRICT, and teamstacking is against the rules. Isn't it? Then just kick the stackers. Tough guy
"Brawl Bashin’ Bison: no spamming, no harassing, do objectives, etc"
Yes you can ban me for that. And you better not just ban me for it. Get the others as well that harass.[/quote]
Double post
Drunk I would love for you to be admin again.