Sep 13 2012, 07:12 AM
I think it has to do with the ad where motd is suppose to be ??
- (null):1
Browser Message: Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL from frame with URL
I am guessing the error is my firewall stopping it but I get that same line like 15 times or so in console when I connect. I am curious if it can be stopped or maby you guys are not aware of it...idk
: /
- (null):1
Browser Message: Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL from frame with URL
I am guessing the error is my firewall stopping it but I get that same line like 15 times or so in console when I connect. I am curious if it can be stopped or maby you guys are not aware of it...idk
: /
What's the difference between a rigger and god?
God doesn't think he's a rigger.
God doesn't think he's a rigger.