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Mr. Tea - evil camper
Aimfish, post: 87829, member: 8312 Wrote:"You probably wouldn't like running with me, because I push as hard as I can until somebody throws up and if you repeatedly fail to do a task I slam you."

Perfect example of your cocky attitude. You assume everyone else cant handle your version of "hard".

And as for the people I was "saying" you were being a bad admin too, I never said that. I said there were threads about it. The fact of the matter is you openly admitted to checking his logs, but if he hadn't posted, you wouldn't have.

joker, I do ignore Mr. Tea almost all the time. Literally. But this is a flame section of the forums, so I can flame all I want. You can be an admin and be liked. It's a well known fact. A lot of admins ARE in fact liked. So why isn't Mr. Tea? Obviously something to do with his own behavior. And I'm not a jerk to anyone, literally, on any game I play. I mess around just as much as the next guy, but I'm never a jerk. So I don't see the need to be a jerk in general. And it's fine that he has to deal with a lot of "13 year old non-steamers attempting to troll everyone and spam, we have micspammers, people calling hacks nearly 24/7, we have our usual regular trolls, etc.", but that's what he signed up for and it doesn't have to make him have a terrible in-game personality. You have a job to do, and if you can't do it well, than maybe you should just quit.

Mr. Tea, if you're in fact liked by your troops, than why aren't you here? Peoples personalities don't change place to place, and if you are in fact someone that your troops like, I would suggest you change it on here. I'm completely open to liking you if you changed your behavior.
Flame all you want.

You, yourself, may like many admins, but I'd say most admins have a pretty good faction of people that don't like them. Show me an admin that you think is well-liked, and I'll show you a decently large group that does not like them.

You're not a jerk, but it's probably because I never see you chat that much in game.

And, what I meant was that we have to deal with everyone, is that they try our patience. Some days we might be a bit more lenient with the rules, but some days we just enforce them as they stand. It also varies for people that we know are trolls.

I'd say Tea does a damn good job of admin, y'all don't see the work that goes behind the scenes. He's caught many regulars that have hacked for a long time.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
joker8baller, post: 87832, member: 835 Wrote:Show me an admin that you think is well-liked, and I'll show you a decently large group that does not like them
Me xD Big Grin
oh wait you dont like me after i broke your water gun Tongue
Quick question. Where do you look how many likes everyone has? Same people call me badmin too, just wanna check.

BTW being a badmin is a pride.
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]
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Mar 14, 2012
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Just click your username.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
Go to staffs.

I'm aiming for the last trophy.
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
Spartacus, post: 87839, member: 1060 Wrote:Go to staffs.

I'm aiming for the last trophy.
Always a stat whore, no matter the aspect.
Is this thing on?

[Image: 11qid6d.jpg]
haha a lot has gone on since i been on the forums XD Yes Tea is a sucker and I kno it hurts him to think im this young, cocky, good lookin guy with a future, so of COURSE he banned me for a week with extreme prejudice. I wud hate it if some young fuck was throwing some hard truth and insults at me, although we differ in that i wud never abuse my position to attack someone and then fabricate seemingly congruous justifications for it (at least be honest). I'm actually flattered that I get under his skin like that. He did ban me for a week, but it didn't stop me from playing in my fave server (thats all ill say about that Wink), so no harm done.

i just wanted to clear something up too. myself being a mid-distance runner for 17 years now, i wanted to make sure u wernt implying that in ur younger years ur ran 5-6 min miles in the marathon, and that now u run 6-7 min miles as a geezer. Im guessing u meant during ur 1-mile PT test u cud pull off those numbers. those arent really impressive numbers, but i have the feeling that ur not particularly athletic and that u strategically mentioned ur a "marathoner" (the wording makes u sound like an elite runner XD) right before u threw up those numbers. wut is ur real 26.2 PR? also im guessing ur well into ur 40s (50s?) seeing as ur mile times have tapered off so drastically. Running is one of the sports where some of ur best times can be ran throughout ur 30s, and u can still be competitive thru ur early 40s. on average, being very conservative with the estimates, when a male runner reaches 40 he begins to add about 5 seconds per mile per year as he ages. Realistically if ur a true runner, its closer to 1 or 2 seconds per year, and begins to grow exponentially closer to 50. Lets stop with the rhetoric, ur too old to care wut the kids on these forums think Wink and if ur that fukin old then u can have my tax money to further ur education XD
[Image: tumblr_m8wz8pZhho1qe7ttxo1_500.jpg]
Pishtim, post: 89259, member: 3115 Wrote:he banned me for a week with extreme prejudice. I wud hate it if some young fuck was throwing some hard truth and insults at me, although we differ in that i wud never abuse my position to attack someone and then fabricate seemingly congruous justifications for it (at least be honest). I'm actually flattered that I get under his skin like that. He did ban me for a week, but it didn't stop me from playing in my fave server (thats all ill say about that Wink), so no harm done.
I don't tolerate racism. You are a racist. All you had to do was request your ban shifted to silence. Don't worry next time you will be silenced for 2 weeks. I recommend you stop being racist.

Since you are not in the military I understand you being lost in our conversation. I have a 2-mile PT test and I used to run 5-6 mins mile. I still max it on the young age bracket. Unlike your assessment, the army increases the amount of time you have to run to max versus due to being older. On a 5-mile, I can run with ease at 7-8min mile pace.

Of course speak out your ass and make assumptions. You are really good at that. 17 years of running, right. Smile So, your in college now. I'll take a stab that you are probably early 20s. I guess you count age 5 as a runner, lol.

You are right I don't care, but I do love to troll. And trolling kids like you is too easy. Thanks for your tax money and good luck with your degree. I actually pity you, so close to the real world, but no clue to what it is like.
  1. Today at 4:50 AM - [Image: 3115.jpg?1358253696] [SIZE=11px]Pishtim[/SIZE]:
    what the fuck is ur problem Ru player? issuing a silence for no good reason? u really get sensitive and abuse ur position... sorry i laugh every time i rape u
  2. Today at 5:17 AM - [Image: 3115.jpg?1358253696] [SIZE=11px]Pishtim[/SIZE]:
    its really sad how u've come to define urself as an admin. worse than tea but both u r vindictive privilege abusers.
I would also probably refrain from flaming an admin in the chat box. That is not the appropriate venue. If you have a problem with him silencing you, appeal in forums. If you wish to flame/disrespect do it in that section of the forums. I hope one day you will get a clue.
thanks for clearing that up, i wud hate for these guys to think u actually maintain a 5/6 min/mile pace in a marathon XD ....that pace over just 2 miles... its decent i guess. i wont post my PRs cause, well, this isnt about that. running is the most central and consistent part of my life. ur a decent casual runner, thats cute enough Wink

i wont even touch the racist thing after this, its just silly... but fyi i live in the most gay-friendly, [probably] the most liberal, and one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Denver. its really astonishing that u wanna talk about assumptions. my friends and neighbors span the gamut of denominations, colors, and lifestyles. i cud have chosen from a myriad of surrounding neighborhoods, but this is the one that jives (if ur at all incredulous, u can go ahead and tracert my ip). so lets stop blatantly misinterpreting my dry and abrasive jests Wink it can seem like im a dick to the uninitiated, but im really filled with a combination of narcissism and skittles XD

and yes, 17 is the number.
[Image: tumblr_m8wz8pZhho1qe7ttxo1_500.jpg]
lol what you all want from tea, he is a good admin... and btw he is a human and a player like all of us and he want to troll he want to have fun!!!
[Image: 1049012_101.png][Image: WANTED_1.jpg]

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