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BERZERK looking for 2 players for CEVO-main season 2
So we're planning out our roster for the next season which is supposed to have Main (top 8 teams who made playoffs on season 1). There's also supposed to be prizes next season.

Our current planned roster for next season:

chun (?)

that's 10, and max capacity is 12. We're looking for two more highly dedicated and experienced individuals to fill those last two spots. Talk to me if you're interested and you think you have what it takes. Obviously we'll only take the best we can find, and these last two spots will fill really quickly.

edit: joker will be on roster if he fixes his internet btw
I'd be down, but I can't commit till I find a place to live etc. (Couch surfing for the next month) Fucking finally moving out of this shithole of a house, but not signing a lease until I'm guaranteed a job (end of April), or else I'm moving out to HK.

I just need to know about matches earlier, not a few hours before, etc and I can plan accordingly.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
joker8baller, post: 88290, member: 835 Wrote:I'd be down, but I can't commit till I find a place to live etc. Fucking finally moving out of this shithole of a house, but not signing a lease until I'm guaranteed a job (end of April), or else I'm moving out to HK.

yeah totally man there's always a reserved spot for you if you move out. just let me know. season 2 is going to start right after playoffs are done
Might be enough time, providing playoffs last a while. I move out in 4 days. Cannot. Wait.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
Get ruplayer. Hes strong player. Solid backup. And a wonderful lover.
[Image: 8yi3kn.png]
i can be a backup if you dont think i cheat anymore.
I thought chun quit, anyway good luck you have my mentor there he taught me well to the point that tmp of a water gun harmless and lame Tongue
Quote:i can be a backup if you dont think i cheat anymore.
i dnt think u hackzz baby
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[Image: 541034_101.png]

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