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Hello , i was banned a few days back and my ban appeal was rejected Sad
Now I have a new CS:S Key( baught it again Sad ) ...can you please tell me the procedure to get Unbanned?? Thank you ..too much addicted to warlords!!
New Steam Id : STEAM_0:0:64683607
Old ban Info:
[SIZE=12px]Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=10px]!=<3=RK=<3=![/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]SteamID: [/SIZE][SIZE=10px]STEAM_0:1:63604946[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Server:[/SIZE] cant acess any was banned on [SIZE=10px](wL) 24/7 Dust2 Deathmatch :: WAR-LORDS.NET[/SIZE]
Put your old steam id and new steam id.
[Image: 25aln6e.png]
[Image: 573128_101.png][Image: C9IwSBFwckuse9sDBhiOzQ2.gif]
where do i find that?? Ihavent Used new key yet as i am a newbie...dunno how to do it properly!! can u please tell me the exact steps Smile
Thanx ^_^
With your new CSS account.
Create a server.
Connect to it.
Go to console.
Type Status.
Copy paste your new steam id here.
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
Hello ..I just have the KEY now..so i need to create a new Steam Account? or not necessary?
Yes you need a new steam account. Install your newly bought CSS there. and do what I just said earlier.
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
He doesn't need to install it again. just make a new account and login in it. Then do what sparty said.
this is his old steam id im guessing from his old ban appeal [SIZE=10px]STEAM_0:1:63604946[/SIZE]
[Image: 25aln6e.png]
[Image: 573128_101.png][Image: C9IwSBFwckuse9sDBhiOzQ2.gif]
Posted the Info can i get unbanned now??
!=<3=RK=<3=!, post: 90812, member: 16919' Wrote:Posted the Info can i get unbanned now??
You have to now put your new steam id. Go onto counter strike source, create a server,open console,then type in status.Copy and paste.
[Image: 25aln6e.png]
[Image: 573128_101.png][Image: C9IwSBFwckuse9sDBhiOzQ2.gif]

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