May 04 2013, 11:15 AM
Name: Riser <3 mahyar
Steam ID: idk
Age: 12
Sex: i'm 12 and what is this, and why does my ass hurt
Occupation: furry loli
Country or State of Residence: equestria
Hours of Availability: whenever my daddy stops beating me
Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?: why would i be one, admins can go fuck themselves
Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?: only fags apply for admin
Previous Counter-strike Experience:
played with bots, died every round, this game sucks, you all are fags for playing it
Previous Games Played: (Recent)
minesweeper, solitaire
Previous League Experience: (Any Game)
league of legends
Computer Specs: (Optional)
energized potato
Favorite Weapon: (Optional)
Favorite Map: (Optional):
bison's trailer
Is there anything else you wish to say? (200 words max):
pTk touched me inappropriately, Riser is still gay
do any of you even lift
Steam ID: idk
Age: 12
Sex: i'm 12 and what is this, and why does my ass hurt
Occupation: furry loli
Country or State of Residence: equestria
Hours of Availability: whenever my daddy stops beating me
Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?: why would i be one, admins can go fuck themselves
Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?: only fags apply for admin
Previous Counter-strike Experience:
played with bots, died every round, this game sucks, you all are fags for playing it
Previous Games Played: (Recent)
minesweeper, solitaire
Previous League Experience: (Any Game)
league of legends
Computer Specs: (Optional)
energized potato
Favorite Weapon: (Optional)
Favorite Map: (Optional):
bison's trailer
Is there anything else you wish to say? (200 words max):
pTk touched me inappropriately, Riser is still gay
do any of you even lift