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Cedd is a lying retard
Cedd posts this to esea after I left the roster

[Image: FR.gif] [Image: icon_premium.gif] cedd^WAR-LORDS + -


Him and I are both part of this server community called war-lords (they have a bunch of really popular severs on CS:S). Since my team (BERZERK) won cevo open CS:S last season, I asked the owner of war-lords to sponsor us to play ESEA GO open s14 and pay for our league fees and such. The owner (M Bison) accepted and everything was dandy.

When Helmut heard about it, he asked M Bison to sponsor another war-lords ESEA team, this time a CS:S team. Most of us were wary about this since we had switched over to GO from Source and didn't want to play with helmut because hes a raging douchebag, something quite apparent if you have ever played on his team on ESEA pug on the losing side.

Anyways, the GO team starts practicing multiple times a week and gets a starting 5 in place and get ready for ESEA open and CEVO main. Meanwhile helmut doesnt do shit and I try to talk to him every couple of days to get his shit together since the owner of war-lords put in like 70-80 bucks into the CS:S team and it was all helmut's idea. Kid blocks me and tells me he'll be fine.

He couldn't even get more than 3 starters to show up for a single match (since hes a toxic rager and nobody wanted to play with him as in-game-leader) and had to get randy shitty pubstars to sub in for the matches. Lost 3 matches terribly and forfeit loss one (he didnt even show up). Then he quits the team and joins this team :

Please block him for wasting my friend's money, being a scumbag and then ditching the team.


helmut got (wL) to sponsor and put in 80$ in a CS:S team only to not get a single practice together and not get any starters to show up to the matches. He then ditches the team to join another. Block him please. thanks

Double post

I never once asked bison to sponsor anything. I asked if we were going to play esea and was told yes.
I paid my own league fee.
I repeatedly said I wasn't the leader and didnt' want to be.
You're butthurt as hell rofl

Sorry for leaving war-lords shitty 0-4 team so I can be a starter on the #5 ranked team in source
Your Go players wouldn't leave a GO scrim to play a league match.
The Rival Wrote:Helmut I think you're probably the nicest guy I've ever talked to. I think your CS:S skills surpass literally everyones on the planet. I found your Facebook, and I printed a huge poster of you, and put it on my ceiling above my bed so every day when I wake up I get to stare at your glorious face and remind myself that maybe if I put in a lot of hard work, time and effort then I could probably be as great as you
League xp-
-K me -
What a Gay move, no offence doe
Cedd is a kid with no actual league experience...that said...he does help on the forums...LOL!
I'm new, in thirteen days it will be two weeks for me.
So just playing the game is not far anymore?
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]
David told me himself the CSS team was your idea not anyone else's. No one else brought up the idea of CSS since all of us moved on to GO after winning cevo and didn't want to play CSS since it was completely dead competitively. If you truly didn't want to be leader you would've done something before losing 3 matches in a row and forfeitting one (maybe bail before the season or tell bison "hey i don't want to be leader and noone on the roster likes me, maybe we should not go through with this team) lmao.

The GO players wouldn't leave a GO scrim to play a match with you because you never got a single practice together for train (which was the map for the first 3 matches) and because they don't want to play with you lol. As bison himself put it on the esea thread, "Once the season started they (the starters) became unreachable and you'd actually see some of them go offline prior to a match. To date, we've been forced to play every match with 3-4 subs (people who aren't very good nor had any intention of playing). "
well if you act like you are a "boss" and play like you are 12...ask me that?

**GO is shit. is source if you really want to delve deep.
I'm new, in thirteen days it will be two weeks for me.
Oh i forgot to add that the team you joined to ditch us have 3 forfeit wins and 1 loss... not sure why you think they are any good rofl
IT is ok to be mad Cedd..I am the winner of that...truth have nothing on helmet, so say thanks.
I'm new, in thirteen days it will be two weeks for me.
JukeBoxHero, post: 94262, member: 1757 Wrote:IT is ok to be mad Cedd..I am the winner of that...truth have nothing on helmet, so say thanks.

who are you and how do you know who i am or anything about me...
I will give this thread a "wow" and "unbelievable" it just did that to me.

Also made me move it to the proper section of the forums. Please make sure that you create your threads in the proper sections.

You were fully aware that this thread was a flame when you created it.
[Image: scary-cat-100.jpg]

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