Jun 18 2013, 07:50 PM
Name: b1ll_n0se NetcodeGO.com
SteamID: 0:1:452933 and 0:0:19889810 (both are banned)
Server: hostname: (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
version : 1765266/24 5304 secure
udp/ip : (public ip:
map : de_dust2 at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players : 31 (44 max)
Hello, I am a former Professional CSS player. I know this sounds like a troll but I have all the proof in the world. I was not present in the server when I was banned. All i remember is this was the only pub that allowed AWPs and had awesome activity. I was probably on a hot streak with my awp and it may have looked like cheats because of my level of play and experience I have in this game. I have been playing since it was released in 2004. I love CSS but its no longer played at a competitive level because of CSGO (which i do not enjoy playing). I understand that i shouldn't have "netcodego.com" in my name while in your server... if unbanned i will promptly remove it when I play on your servers.
I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with ESEA.net but most of my proof is at
I have played for past CSS teams like High Rollers Gaming // Check-Six // Team-Dynamic // Netcode Illuminati // Area 51. There is all kinds of pictures at those links for you guys to view and google the rest.
Anyways I just enjoyed your pub and would love to be in it on a regular basis. Hopefully I will be unbanned and be able to play in it soon. Not sure if you guys still scrim CSS but i would love to scrim sometime as well. I realize many noobs/hackers probably say that, "ohhh im pro i dont cheat" but i am the exception. Hopefully you guys believe me.
Thanks for reading and thanks for your time.
Oh and here is me on the Howard Stern radio show. Yea lets say i was taking this interview that serious.
And my CSS movie
SteamID: 0:1:452933 and 0:0:19889810 (both are banned)
Server: hostname: (wL) 24/7 Dust2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
version : 1765266/24 5304 secure
udp/ip : (public ip:
map : de_dust2 at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players : 31 (44 max)
Hello, I am a former Professional CSS player. I know this sounds like a troll but I have all the proof in the world. I was not present in the server when I was banned. All i remember is this was the only pub that allowed AWPs and had awesome activity. I was probably on a hot streak with my awp and it may have looked like cheats because of my level of play and experience I have in this game. I have been playing since it was released in 2004. I love CSS but its no longer played at a competitive level because of CSGO (which i do not enjoy playing). I understand that i shouldn't have "netcodego.com" in my name while in your server... if unbanned i will promptly remove it when I play on your servers.
I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with ESEA.net but most of my proof is at
I have played for past CSS teams like High Rollers Gaming // Check-Six // Team-Dynamic // Netcode Illuminati // Area 51. There is all kinds of pictures at those links for you guys to view and google the rest.
Anyways I just enjoyed your pub and would love to be in it on a regular basis. Hopefully I will be unbanned and be able to play in it soon. Not sure if you guys still scrim CSS but i would love to scrim sometime as well. I realize many noobs/hackers probably say that, "ohhh im pro i dont cheat" but i am the exception. Hopefully you guys believe me.
Thanks for reading and thanks for your time.
Oh and here is me on the Howard Stern radio show. Yea lets say i was taking this interview that serious.
And my CSS movie