Jun 21 2013, 07:20 AM
A[I]pplication: -Name in game: ArchAngel Toast -Steam id: http://steamcommunity.com/id/changenow -Age Just turned 18 and just old enough to go to EDC in Vegas Yea. -Steam Groups you're in admin in Intox Gaming, but that's tf2 and i don't play much tf2 anymore. -Why Night Watch: HDK has some crazy admins who ban people under their feelings, and I was interested in them more than this but once that occured, i lost all interest as I was afraid that a butthurt admin will ban me such as banning someone for wearing their clantag in the clan. Plus their tryouts seem rediculous and has no age limit with annoying 12 years and 14 year olds who have crackling voices and just finally hit puberty and those who didn't hit puberty have a voice of a girl on helium. I like groups that have more maturity and other clans in the War Lords servers do not appeal to my senses though many of my long known players are on HDK, i just cannot live up to their "standards" that are unofficial and through emotions. -About yourself: My name is Bob for short, and I life in San Francisco, California. I've been on the War Lords server in 2012 and even in 2011 which i didn't play much css. My gaming background is mainly through MMO games such as World Of Warcraft which i personally still like (Vanilla though) and is a very fun game that i don't regret playing. I've also played alot of MOBA games such as league of legends becuase im Asian and most of my friends are asian and they all play that game so i play with them, though many of them suck. I started playing css in 2009, which then i had a annoying high pitch voice, so i didn't talk on the microphone otherwise i would be getting harassed. My first adminship was on plaguefest, or pF, which is still a very popular css server for zombies, in 2010. I then became SG. Reg for the old Star Gamers or Star Gates servers which use to be another popular zombie server which i don't think exist anymore, less they changed their name and i didn't notice them. In 2011, i switched began playing much league of legends and world of warcraft, and also began playing alot of tf2 later that year, where i donated on their servers. 2012, I began to play counter strike again and thats when i became interested in the minigames servers. I originated on the plaguefest servers on their minigame, but i kept getting harassed by admins who were annoying as donkeys and i left. I found another server called warlords, which i joined and spent much time on there. When school started, i began playing much less as i was in Wrestling and taking AP Classes. During my few hours, i played Chivalry and Natural Selection 2, which is a very cool game, though it doesn't have many clans though, its like css and starcraft combined together. THen i became admin on the intox gamers, which i think im going to lose soon due to my inactivity, and came back to War Lords. I am currently working at a summer job for a middle school, and i am working out alot.[/I]
wiow it came out really messed up

Double post
wiow it came out really messed up