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George Zimmerman found not guilty
[SIZE=14px][Image: 1373765228000-AP-Neighborhood-Watch2-1307132128_4_3.jpg][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px]SANFORD, Fla.--[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px]George Zimmerman, the man accused of murdering Trayvon Martin, was found not guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter on Saturday.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]The verdict is the culmination of a case that captured the nation's attention and will undoubtedly be imprinted in America's history. The not guilty verdict means the jury of six women found that [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]Zimmerman justifiably used deadly force and reasonably believed that such force was "necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm" to himself — Florida's definition of self-defense.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]Zimmerman showed no emotion as the verdict was read. After the verdict was read, he smiled slightly and shook hands with one of his lawyers.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]The women decided Zimmerman didn't "intentionally commit an act or acts that caused death" or demonstrate a "depraved mind without regard for human life" --Florida's definitions of manslaughter and second degree murder, respectively.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]In a press conference after the verdict was read, lead prosecutor Bernie De la Rionda said, "I am disappointed in the verdict but I respect it. We accept the jury's verdict."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]"It means there was reasonable doubt," said Susan Constantine, a jury consultant and body language expert who attended Zimmerman's trial regularly. "They just could not put the pieces together."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]The case has gripped the nation since the shooting happened on Feb. 26, 2012. Police initially did not charge Zimmerman with a crime, citing Florida's "stand-your-ground" law, which allows someone who believes they are in imminent danger to take whatever steps are necessary to protect themselves.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]Protests ensued in several cities, including New York, by supporters of Trayvon's family. Many protesters voiced the opinion that Trayvon was targeted and killed for racial reasons. Trayvon was black and Zimmerman is Hispanic.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]"You have a little black boy who was killed," said Benjamin Crump, an attorney for the parents of Trayvon. "It's going to be reported in history books and 50 years from now, our children will talk about Trayvon Martin's case like we talk about Emmett Till."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]Emmett Till, a 14-year-old black young man, was tortured, grossly disfigured and murdered in 1995 in Mississippi after being accused of flirting with a white woman.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]In Zimmerman's case, State Attorney Angela Corey stepped in and charged Zimmerman with murder on April 11, 2012. Prosecutors however never argued that Zimmerman racially profiled the teen and instead said the teen was profiled as a criminal.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]The five-week trial of Zimmerman, held in the same Florida city where Trayvon was killed, brought the facts of the case under a nationally televised spotlight, with every moment captured on camera. More than 50 witnesses testified and on the first day of deliberation requested a list of the plethora of evidence that lawyers presented.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]Some of the items include several statements Zimmerman gave to police, Trayvon's autopsy report and photos of both Zimmerman's injuries and Trayvon's body. Witnesses included forensic experts who testified about the angle in which Trayvon was shot, the position Zimmerman's gun may have been in, and where DNA and blood was found.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]Other witnesses offered conflicting statements about how the fight happened, who had the upper hand when Zimmerman shot and who was screaming for help in a 911 call recording.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]Eyewitness Jonathan Good said he saw Trayvon on top of and striking Zimmerman moments before the teen was shot. While Selma Mora, who lived a couple of houses down from Good, said [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px]Zimmerman was on top and told her to call the police.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]A 911 call recorded screams and the fatal gunshot moments before the shooting. Who was screaming was a critical question before the jury.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]The defense called nine people -- including both of Zimmerman's parents -- to testify that the screams belonged to Zimmerman. Both of Trayvon's parents and his brother all said Trayvon was screaming moments before he was shot.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]In at times riveting detail, prosecutors tried their best to convince jurors that Zimmerman was a killer who "tracked" Trayvon, an innocent teenager, and murdered him before police arrived.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]"That child had every right to be afraid of a strange man following him," prosecutor John Guy told jurors before they began deliberations. "This case isn't about standing your ground. It's about staying in your car."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]Fellow prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda focused heavily on the state's theory that Zimmerman, frustrated by recent burglaries in his neighborhood, profiled Trayvon as a criminal and choose to take the law in his own hand.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]"A teenager is dead, and he's dead through no fault of his own," de la Rionda said to jurors. "He's dead because another man made an assumption."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]The majority of legal experts USA TODAY interviewed however said the prosecution had a weak case based largely on circumstantial evidence. Some said the state could possibly succeed if they appealed to the emotions of jurors. However, sympathy was not supposed to play a part in the verdict and defense attorneys reminded jurors of that fact repeatedly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]Mark O'Mara, an attorney for George Zimmerman cast Trayvon as the aggressor saying the teen may have been charged with aggravated battery had he survived the shooting. Trayvon, instead of going home, likely hid, waited for Zimmerman and confronted him, the lawyer said.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]"Trayvon Martin came towards George Zimmerman," O'Mara said. '"That is not an unarmed teenager.'[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]O'Mara explained saying Trayvon used his fists and a concrete sidewalk to threaten great bodily harm.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]He also focused on what he said was the state's failure to prove Zimmerman did anything legally wrong. "Where is one shred of evidence to support the absurdity that they are trying to have you buy?" O'Mara asked pointedly in his closing statement to the jury.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]Elizabeth Parker, a former prosecutor who is now a criminal defense attorney in Palm Beach, Fla., said the defense did a good job of humanizing Zimmerman .[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]"The defense did a phenomenal job of presenting their case through the state's witnesses," Parker said. "They were able to get George Zimmerman's testimony in through several witnesses --sparing him from having to undergo vigorous cross-examination by these bulldog prosecutors."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]One such is example was the testimony of Sanford police officer Christopher Serino, called by the state and later the defense, Parker said. Serino agreed with prosecutors that Zimmerman may have been profiling Trayvon but said no physical evidence or witness statements contradicted [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]Zimmerman's claim of self-defense and that the medical examiner's report supported Zimmerman's version of events.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]Still, Valerie Houston, pastor of Allen Chapel AME Church in Sanford, said she hoped Zimmerman was convicted because he followed Trayvon and initiated the events leading up to the shooting. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]Many meetings in support of Trayvon and his family were held in her church and Houston joined those who early on asked for Zimmerman to be arrested.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]"I feel that he's guilty," Houston said. "If he's not found guilty people will be disappointed--the African American community for sure."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]Now that the verdict is in, people who share Houston's views will have to accept that the justice system believes Zimmerman is innocent.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]However, despite now being a free man, Jose Baez, a Florida criminal defense attorney, said Zimmerman will likely go into hiding and be unable to live a normal life for some time.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px]"The end is not near for George Zimmerman," he said[/SIZE][SIZE=14px].[/SIZE]
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
So this was what josh was mad about :o
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Only in Merica..

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Wow... incredible, meanwhile, related news this woman gets 20 years for shooting warning shots:

Fla. mom gets 20 years for firing warning shots

Marissa Alexander of Jacksonville, Fla., received a 20-years prison sentence, Friday, May 11, 2012, for firing warning shots against her allegedly abusive husband. The judge rejected a defense under Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law. / WETV
(CBS News) JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - A Florida woman who fired warning shots against her allegedly abusive husband has been sentenced to 20 years in prison.
Marissa Alexander of Jacksonville had said the state's "Stand Your Ground" law should apply to her because she was defending herself against her allegedly abusive husband when she fired warning shots inside her home in August 2010. She told police it was to escape a brutal beating by her husband, against whom she had already taken out a protective order.

Under Florida's mandatory minimum sentencing requirements Alexander could receive a lesser sentence, even though she has never been in trouble with the law before. Judge Daniel said the law did not allow for extenuating or mitigating circumstances to reduce the sentence below the 20-year minimum.

"I really was crying in there," Marissa's 11-year-old daughter told WETV. "I didn't want to cry in court, but I just really feel hurt. I don't think this should have been happening."
Alexander was convicted of attempted murder after she rejected a plea deal for a three-year prison sentence. She said she did not believe she did anything wrong.
She was recently denied a new trial after appealing to the judge to reconsider her case based on Florida's controversial "Stand Your Ground" law. The law states that the victim of a crime does not have to attempt to run for safety and can immediately retaliate in self-defense.

Alexander's attorney said she was clearly defending herself and should not have to spend the next two decades behind bars.
Alexander's case has drawn support from domestic abuse advocates - and comparison to the case of neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, who has claimed a "Stand Your Ground" defense in his fatal shooting of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin.

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[Image: cucubelu2.jpg]
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Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator
The judiciary system is bullsh*t
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cucubelu, post: 98192, member: 15378 Wrote:-snip-

While I don't want to say that the account in the story (as well as most stories) on this case is wrong, since I can't seem to find an impartial source in all of the noise of anger, but according to the prosecutor, Marissa didn't shoot in self defense. She went out into her car to get her gun and shot in the direction of him and their two sons as they were leaving. Furthermore, Marissa Alexander then attacked her ex-husband again while out on bond.

Again, I have to repeat that I have no way to verify her statements, but the fact that they haven't even been mentioned, let alone refuted, in most stories makes me suspicious of the how trust worthy the media is on this matter.
Its like TTT In real life! Detectives dont know whats going on, Terrorists get away, and the innocents get jailed!
Gonffs, post: 98200, member: 11307 Wrote:Its like TTT In real life! Detectives dont know whats going on, Terrorists get away, and the innocents get jailed!
Terrorists gets away? You have an idea how many plots again the US have been diverted due to Homeland security? You should take a look at some of the Wikileak documents, how close Terrorists came to do more harm. Thankfully (for better or worse) the system works sometimes. Whether or not I agree with the surveillance is another thing, I am nor for or against it.

As people here mentioned, the judiciary system is where the fault lies most of the time, police do their jobs only to have criminals walk on technicalities and errors from the system.
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Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator
The prosecution bungled the case pretty badly also
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