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Denied  unsilence bantha
hello my in game name is (DROIDS) bantha foder my steam id is STEAM_0:1:48240091 i am silenced from warlords minigames server. i was silenced quite some time ago for rasicm and micspam, but i have learned not to do that on servers and i will also not disrepect your admins.please consider lifing this silence and i will not abuse my privelige to communicate on your servers. thanks
I Silenced him so long ago, I didn't get a chance to give him a second chance before I got my admin revoked. So it doesn't matter to me.

[Image: tumblr_mf1umwFOnm1r4eysco1_500.gif]
Yeah trying to force me to unmute you isn't going to help; nor is trying to change Platform's mind on your mutes.

Kwon Yuri: ?
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: hey man
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: ur ana dmin right
Kwon Yuri: yeah why
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: well ive been silenced for like a friggin year
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: and i play here alot
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: do you think you could unsilence me
Kwon Yuri: I never silenced you
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: no you didint
Kwon Yuri: I can't control another admin's mutes or bans
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: the guy who muted me isnt even admin anymore
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: im pretty sure
Kwon Yuri: You will have to appeal it on the wL forum
Kwon Yuri: platform told me you spammed the N word and played music on the mic
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: yes i did a long ass time ago..
Kwon Yuri: just appeal it on the forums then
Kwon Yuri: just know that platform can still justify why you shouldn't get unmuted
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: yeah well everytime i try, some admin that hates me snipes the post everytime and denies it
Kwon Yuri: well a root has to review it
Kwon Yuri: plus racism is not accepted at all so that ruins your chances already
(DROIDS) bantha fodder is now playing Counter-Strike: Source. Click here to join.
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: just lift it
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: fuck
Kwon Yuri: I can't tamper with platform's mutes
Kwon Yuri: it is his choice and he said to keep it
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: tell him i say to tell him not to keep it
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: mkay
Kwon Yuri: He said that you deserved the mute and not to lift it
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: tell him im sorry i harrassed him
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: lol
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: watever though
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: you guys are dicks
Kwon Yuri: he said not to lift it
(DROIDS) bantha fodder is now playing Counter-Strike: Source. Click here to join.
Kwon Yuri: just ask bison to lift it
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: bison is the guy who snipes my apeals
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: and denies them
Kwon Yuri: well he is one of the three roots
Kwon Yuri: you're out of luck
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: no im not
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: listine ehre you
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: this is how ts gonna go
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: you are gong to lift my silence right fucking now
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: or ill fucking drop your ass
Kwon Yuri: just try appealing it again
(DROIDS) bantha fodder is now playing Counter-Strike: Source. Click here to join.
(DROIDS) bantha fodder: ugggh
YuRi Approves
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[Image: tumblr_lsklc0sQ7G1qdmxh2o8_250.gif]
I don't think threatening an admin isn't going to get you unmuted.I was there when he was spamming the microphone.Everyone told him to stop,then platform came into the server and muted him.
[Image: 25aln6e.png]
[Image: 573128_101.png][Image: C9IwSBFwckuse9sDBhiOzQ2.gif]
yeah no shit dude thats why i got muted. i am apealling hoping i can get a second chance

I issued the mute & gag:

And no, it will not be lifted.

Steam Wrote: 4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: was out
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: bison, dude
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: ???
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: you're very rude towards alina
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: how about unbanning her friend?
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: I mean
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: it's only gamebanana skins
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: ^^
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOLOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: lol

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