Dec 15 2013, 01:14 AM
Over the last 5 years, you've spent 657.6 hours playing this selection, which includes 74 items, is valued at $1334.35, and requires 587058 GB
hey!, post: 104628, member: 17015 Wrote:Over the last 5 years, you've spent 657.6 hours playing this selection, which includes 74 items, is valued at $1334.35, and requires 587058 GB587058 GB? Seems legit.
Spartacus, post: 104655, member: 1060 Wrote:Over the last 3 years, you've spent 2761.4 hours playing this selection, which includes 61 items, is valued at $881.51, and requires 401.8 GBIt doesn't take sales into account, it only values the games at current price levels
$881 what?!
hey!, post: 104628, member: 17015 Wrote:Over the last 5 years, you've spent 657.6 hours playing this selection, which includes 74 items, is valued at $1334.35, and requires 587058 GBwut
st0nnec0ld, post: 104900, member: 16843 Wrote:wutClearly haxx... or a comma missing either way! Cheating!
cucubelu, post: 104901, member: 15378 Wrote:Clearly haxx... or a comma missing either way! Cheating!i thought they rounded off to 1 decimal place... still a lot
cucubelu, post: 104901, member: 15378 Wrote:Clearly haxx... or a comma missing either way! Cheating!Well if i have 74 games and that take in average 7go, its about 587 go so it must be a missing comma
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