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Expired  I was banned and I have no idea why
I just tried to join PUG 1 and I got disconnected with an error message saying I was banned. I checked console and it told me to come here for more information. IDK who banned me, nor do I know any admins other than Bison. I don't remember doing anything ban-worthy thus far. I do remember renok and ROBERTS being douchebags this morning to me and a few other players on de_nuke, though, so if one of them is admin, that would explain a lot. It would also probably be grounds for suspension, if that's the case.

Double post

Name: m8 [Ian-kun³] {DA}
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:41085967
Server: PUG 1 & PUG 2
You were banned by the servers for "'m8 [Ian-kun³] {DA}' left live pug w/out sub".

Please wait for a Senior or Root Admin to address this.
[Image: 552360_101.png]
Ban has expired, you should be able to join wL servers now. Remember that leaving a PUG gets you banned if you don't have a sub.

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