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Wz Applying [Accepted]
-Name in game: Wz
-Steam id: STEAM_0:1:14964561
-Age: 26
-Steam Groups you're in(if any, no benefits).: ARU
-Why Night Watch: I know some people that i play with in snipers in your group and they're cool. Also Night Watch is an exclusive group and i want to be part of that exclusiveness. And to counter HDK.
-About yourself[/code]: I'm lazy.... very lazy.
Your app will be evaluated please be patient and good luck!
good luck wz!
aah wz Big Grin good luck
[Image: 21103919493_c13c1c093d_o.png]
thank you guys
Sorry I haven't had time to get on Counter - Strike this week been out of town for Thanksgiving. I will be on later tonight and tomorrow.
t's fine....... i was at a hotel anyway my car broke on my way to NM coming from NY
i will be able to play when i get to NM
for now im on the road
Sorry to hear that man! :/ good luck have a safe trip.
Could you link your Steam to your profile using http://war-lords.net/usercp.php?
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