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Resolved  Appeal for Ban removal + Admin Review
Name: Sum Fink Wong
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:41893031

I'm guessing the admin, Chan Chun Clutch-PoPuGun™ A.K.A ChanChunSing might have something against me which lead to the ban, IMHO and i'm seriously being objective about it.

You may ask the others about the ban people like
Dcorgaez ( and
GoT_RiCe ( they were there.

It happened on 1/18/15 around 12.50am
Was having a match on De_dust2
Some of the players are Nu[M]my, NoobMode, ??, Dcorgaez, GoT_RiCe, Magicshroomz, KennyS, Trixter

I merely made a small statement in a jokingly way: "Admin grow some balls", just like some players think likewise.
because he's camping with a ppg a number of time. I'm not saying camping is wrong, but it's a normal reaction like
"Why are you always camping with a ppg" "Are you a scaredy-cat"

Got 7 days ban a few rounds later... and not immediately, and no warning was given.
And the main point is that I've never made any other comments about him, to him or say anything that is disrespectful to him afterwards.

Is it counted as disrespectful?

I'm not the only one who thinks he's abusing his power as admin.
[Image: 2mr7dok.jpg]

We need admins who know how to bond with players,perhaps be open-minded and not one who abuses his power. I'm fine if he/she has something against me but I certainly hope that they are professional enough to give at least a warning if one were to break the rules or be impartial.

Dear Root admins, do help me out here thank you~

EDITED: The ban was suddenly reduced to 3 days. Not sure why... Hmmm
Alright, please wait for a Root Admin to take a look thought your thread.
Hi I am the admin that took action. Rest assured that I have nothing against you.

If you look up your profile, you will notice a 1 day ban issued on 16 Jan. This was because of your abusive voice chat and griefing (teamflashing).

As for your more recent ban (, the in game admin console did not allow me to select a 3 day ban (closest option was 1 or 7days) so if you look up your profile, you will see the edit from 7 days to 3 days immediately after the game.

As mentioned in my application for Admin, i am committed to seeing that our servers remain abuse free. For players who insist on using abusive words (chat or voice) on others, please do it elsewhere or when you MM with your friends.

As you mentioned that you are giving an objective account, do also highlight that your recent tirade came with a "F***ING" in the sentence as well. I carefully considered whether it was a joke, which was why the ban came only several rounds later (I considered whether a person would use vulgarities to joke with a stranger or whether it was malicious.)

If the chatlog still exists, I'll try to extract a screenshot of a pm convo with MagicShroomz along the lines of whether your behaviour was acceptable.

As I advised your friends, the right avenue to appeal the ban is on the forums, which I am glad you did. A senior root admin will review the demo(s) to evaluate if any further or remedial action will be taken.
If i'm not wrong, i wrote "f***king grow some balls admin" and it's just one sentence, NOTHING AFTERWARDS.
I'm so sorry if you think it is malicious and did harm you. I guess you can stay on the server 24/7 to see how many f**ks being said and ban every single one of them.  
I didn't bother commenting on your performance later on.

I have absolute no problem with vulmest (another local admin), he's friendlier and I guess more open about such stuff.
I guess you're just a different admin, not being open-minded and abit anal retentive? Sorry if you see fellow local players as 'strangers' and can't take it as a joke.

I'm not trying to correct your action, but just my 2-cent. Maybe you could reply "Because I have no balls" and it will make things a lot funnier rather than banning people straight. You could bond well with the wL ASIA PUG community and not be anal at everything single thing.

Oh ya, I think this is my first time being 'disrespectful'(highly doubt so) to you admin. Hmm... I don't recall you giving me any warning before the ban. Don't you think I deserve at least a warning for my first of such offence...? A warning so I can shut my trap up.

But do note that, I'm not the only one who thinks that you abused your power.

Disrespecting an admin is in the rules, which can be viewed by typing help or visiting:

Your prior bans along justifies 3 days. If you think the admin is abusing his power, post up another thread with evidence and it will be looked into.


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