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Expired  Thailand, Killswitch
Im sure most of the guys over at the dust2 24/7 server would know what I am talking about.

There's this player named Thailand, who binds the 'kill' command a keyboard button. What will happen is when he knows he is going to die, he triggers it so he suicides and denies the guy shooting him the kill, It has happened to me numerous times already. 

There was this once, where I decided to knife him after creeping up on him to give him a taste of his own medicine, since he likes to knife so much. I stabbed him once, he turned around and before i stab him for the second time he suicides. 

In my view, this is abuse. I don't know what the general consensus is here but im just gonna put it out there so that anyone who isn't aware of it will.

Also I am not know to put complaints up here but in my 15 years of playing of CS I've hardly known a worse loser.
[Image: 1080347_101.png]
Thank you for your report.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Yeah, this guy has quite a mouth.

I might go and take action on him if he continues trolling and griefing

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