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worst logic ever
A new player joins WL couple months ago, good player.
So ben,
 Thinks if you don't have league experience and you frag like a pro = cheater
Thinks a ban over 1000 days ago over Dota 2 (3.1 hrs on record) = counter strike cheater

I'll just copy and paste chat log i saved couple months ago, had to save it because of his huge stupidity. 
Amazed how stupid this is based on how he is considered one of the best players here at WL. (he probably got wet reading that)

Never tell your password to anyone.
Friday, January 06, 2017
Ben-: thats why league is relevant my bud
Ben-: only 1 good player in all wl players
Ben-: didnt do leagues in css
Ben-: and 99% of people think he cheats
Deagie Deadie: thats because he plays 100% seriously lmfao
Deagie Deadie: fucker has to replace sweatbands every 5 mins
Ben-: ^^
Ben-: i bet fakko is some ex league sub acc
Ben-: from go
Deagie Deadie: how many hrs does he have
Ben-: checking
Ben-: he got a fucking vac ban on record
Ben-: gg
Ben-: cheater confirmed
Deagie Deadie: how long ago
Deagie Deadie: 1000 days ago? xD
Ben-: cheater 1 day cheater every day
Deagie Deadie: i used to hack for fun
Deagie Deadie: nosteam tho
Deagie Deadie: wasn't an idiot :o
Ben-: kid frags as much as ghoul
Ben-: got 120 ping but reacts like he had none
Ben-: got recent id
Deagie Deadie: watch some clips with drawmodels?
Ben-: no league history
Ben-: = cheater
Ben-: +1 vac ban
Deagie Deadie: can easily tell if he is cheating or not
Deagie Deadie: if you watch a demo
Ben-: he is
Ben-: i dont even need too, if i wanna ban him ill have to do some clips
Deagie Deadie: i was right lmfao
Deagie Deadie: 1000 days ago
Deagie Deadie: guy has many hours
Deagie Deadie: he is just good
Ben-: pfft
Deagie Deadie: fuck league
Ben-: 1200 hours isnt enough
Ben-: my 6000+ tells me hes cheating
Ben-: at 100%
Deagie Deadie: you still learn stuff at 6000 hours?
Ben-: nop

Ben-: ill check some demos of him later 2night and have him perm ban after
Deagie Deadie: only thing i find abit suspicous is 10 hours past 2 weeks
Ben-: DUDE
Ben-: he got euro lag
Deagie Deadie: its smooth
Ben-: and shoots faster then ghoul
Ben-: euro lag 150 ping
Ben-: and shot faster then people
Ben-: at 20 ping
Deagie Deadie: only way to find out is demos
Ben-: nah
Ben-: 1 vac ban is enough
Ben-: =)
Deagie Deadie: this was 1000 days ago
Ben-: doesnt matter
Deagie Deadie: wasnt even for cs
Ben-: doesnt matter either
Ben-: its like a prison sentence, gl finding work afterwards
Deagie Deadie: nope
Deagie Deadie: guy is just good Smile
Ben-: admit it you are just saying it to troll me rn
Ben-: 100% cheating
Deagie Deadie: nope
Ben-: yes you are
Deagie Deadie: im not lmfao
Deagie Deadie: i dont get why you need league exp to be a good player
Deagie Deadie: ok how about this then
en-: point me 1 good player
Ben-: who got 0 league exp
Ben-: who 99% of people doesnt think he cheats

Deagie Deadie: he doesnt cheat!!
Ben-: he do
Deagie Deadie: only way to find out is demo.
Ben-: to make it official
Ben-: ill watch demo
Ben-: hes cheating
Deagie Deadie: alright lol
Deagie Deadie: o ben o ben o ben
Deagie Deadie: he ain't hacking
Deagie Deadie: .
Ben-: hes lagging as much then asians, but shots faster then ghoul
Ben-: great logic mate Smile
Deagie Deadie: fuck ghoul
Deagie Deadie: just a good player
Ben-: a vac banned good player
Ben-: who never play the game
Deagie Deadie: 1000+ hours
Ben-: its nothing
Deagie Deadie: enough to learn alot
Ben-: not that much
Ben-: and if you read correctly
Ben-: i said "potential"
Ben-: and maybe im biased
Ben-: everywhere
Deagie Deadie: so theres a great chance of him cheating you're saying
Ben-: still currently banned
Ben-: =)
Ben-: oh and did you know notta got vac banned
Ben-: 9 days ago
Deagie Deadie: yeah
Ben-: i dont know in what game sadly

Ben-: its one the main reason i think the guy in question is cheating
Ben-: + cheating history
Ben-: + no hours player
Ben-: played
Ben-: + no league
Ben-: + wallbang and shoting through smoke like a champ Smile
Deagie Deadie: 1.6 player?
Ben-: nah hes just some scrub from csgo
Ben-: who got banned for cheating
Ben-: in csgo
Deagie Deadie: how do you know its cs go
Ben-: he said it himself
Ben-: on his unban thread on wl
Ben-: xD
Deagie Deadie: he has another account?
Deagie Deadie: No related players record.
Ben-: its his main acc
Ben-: like i said
Ben-: he's at 99.9% cheating
Deagie Deadie: he has no thread

Ben-: so it pains me to see it
Ben-: but you were right
Ben-: say*

In conclusion 
Based on his statements

You are a cheater if you have no league experience and frag like a "pro"
And i am also right if you cannot find me a player who has no league experience on Warlords. 

My point
Warlords is a small community, there are players with 0 league experience and top frag games, such as myself who plays with 120 ping. And of course there are days where i play like a total scrub. It's also not hard killing scrubs and getting 17-18 rws. Reconsider your time spent on counter strike with your idiotic kind of statements. 

Come at me :p
[Image: 2lu7534.jpg]
You dumbfuck, you cut half of the convo.

i never said about 17-18 rws but frags as much as ghoul you said it yourself other thread, now get a life you troll.
not answering my point ? A theorical possibility is pointless.

There is a possibility a god exist, therefore there is a god, therefore i join a cult (thats your logic).

Im waiting for the proof that a god exist, before believing in any BS (thats mine).

ps. switch god for a good player without league exp that frag as much as ghoul, that got a vac ban on record and isnt cheating rn.

Thats how dumb you sound.
(Mar 12 2017, 08:36 PM)Ben- Wrote: You dumbfuck, you cut half of the convo.

i never said about 17-18 rws but frags as much as ghoul you said it yourself other thread, now get a life you troll.

That is my point, not not yours
Dumb fuck
[Image: 2lu7534.jpg]
(Mar 12 2017, 08:38 PM)Deadplanet Wrote:
(Mar 12 2017, 08:36 PM)Ben- Wrote: You dumbfuck, you cut half of the convo.

i never said about 17-18 rws but frags as much as ghoul you said it yourself other thread, now get a life you troll.

That is my point, not not yours
Dumb fuck

you are trash as a player and as a person
[-] The following 1 user Likes Ben-'s post:
(Mar 12 2017, 08:39 PM)Ben- Wrote:
(Mar 12 2017, 08:38 PM)Deadplanet Wrote:
(Mar 12 2017, 08:36 PM)Ben- Wrote: You dumbfuck, you cut half of the convo.

i never said about 17-18 rws but frags as much as ghoul you said it yourself other thread, now get a life you troll.

That is my point, not not yours
Dumb fuck

you are trash as a player and as a person
Salt saaaaalt
[Image: 2lu7534.jpg]
Check for your blood pressure mate
(Mar 12 2017, 08:40 PM)Ben- Wrote: Check for your blood pressure mate

Somebody is mad behind their monitor.
[Image: 2lu7534.jpg]
(Mar 12 2017, 08:41 PM)Deadplanet Wrote:
(Mar 12 2017, 08:40 PM)Ben- Wrote: Check for your blood pressure mate

Somebody is mad behind their monitor.

its called trolling, i thought you were somewhat of an expert about it ?
(Mar 12 2017, 08:42 PM)Ben- Wrote:
(Mar 12 2017, 08:41 PM)Deadplanet Wrote:
(Mar 12 2017, 08:40 PM)Ben- Wrote: Check for your blood pressure mate

Somebody is mad behind their monitor.

its called trolling, i thought you were somewhat of an expert about it ?

"now get a life you troll."

[Image: 2lu7534.jpg]

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