4:07 PM - Riser: hey
4:07 PM - Riser: did u try my bot
4:07 PM - Riser: ?
4:08 PM - Black Blood: what bot
4:07 PM - Riser:
4:08 PM - Black Blood: wtf am i meant to do
4:08 PM - Black Blood: add him?
4:08 PM - Riser: yes..
4:08 PM - Black Blood: for fuck
4:08 PM - Riser: do it u bitch
4:08 PM - Black Blood: why..
4:08 PM - Riser: cus i asked u to
4:08 PM - Riser: i looked at ur profile
4:08 PM - Riser: eventho i felt like vomitting
4:08 PM - Riser: now u add my bot
4:09 PM - Black Blood: ok
4:08 PM - Riser:

4:09 PM - Riser: type !help
4:09 PM - Black Blood: he doesnt respond
4:09 PM - Riser: fuk u
4:09 PM - Riser: he only responds to certain commands
4:09 PM - Riser: like !help
4:10 PM - Black Blood: sub does what..
4:10 PM - Black Blood: i sub in even though not in server?
4:09 PM - Riser: subscribe to group notifications on chat
4:10 PM - Black Blood: ...
4:10 PM - Black Blood: wtf?
4:10 PM - Riser: so if they need 1
4:10 PM - Riser: itll just message u
4:10 PM - Riser: wait i show u
4:10 PM - Riser: do
4:10 PM - Riser: !sub css asia
4:10 PM - Black Blood: no
4:10 PM - Riser is now playing Counter-Strike: Source. Click here to join.
4:10 PM - Riser: do it
4:10 PM - Riser: faster
4:10 PM - Riser: tell me when done
4:10 PM - Black Blood: !4:10 PM - Black Blood: !sub css asia
4:10 PM - (wL) PUG Announcer: You have subscribed to notifications from wlcsspugsasia.
4:10 PM - Riser: did u get it
4:11 PM - Black Blood: get what
4:10 PM - Riser: OMG
4:10 PM - Riser: its not working
4:10 PM - Riser: WTF
4:11 PM - Black Blood: ..?
4:11 PM - Black Blood: wtf..
4:11 PM - Riser is now playing Counter-Strike: Source. Click here to join.
4:11 PM - Black Blood: i see
4:11 PM - Riser: IDK
4:11 PM - Black Blood: my usual need 9
4:11 PM - Black Blood: -_-
4:11 PM - Riser: did u get msg?
4:11 PM - Riser: show me what u got
4:12 PM - Black Blood: lol
4:12 PM - Black Blood: i need to go activity feed
4:12 PM - Black Blood: and see who gets in
4:11 PM - Riser: fuck of
4:12 PM - Riser: no
4:12 PM - Riser: it should message u
4:12 PM - Black Blood: my bottom right comes up only need 9
4:12 PM - Riser: kj nvm
4:12 PM - Riser: something wrong with my botttt
4:12 PM - Black Blood: LOL
4:12 PM - Black Blood: fix ur bot
4:12 PM - Riser: yea
4:12 PM - Black Blood: maybe if ur the bot it might work?
4:12 PM - Riser: lool
4:12 PM - Riser: maybe
4:12 PM - Riser: but idk how to be a bot
4:13 PM - Black Blood: nt la. maybe if u can actgually program something it wouldnt fucked up
4:13 PM - Riser: mean
4:13 PM - Riser: :\
4:14 PM - Black Blood: ur tech illiterate
4:14 PM - Riser is now playing Counter-Strike: Source. Click here to join.
4:14 PM - Riser: wtf dis bot
4:14 PM - Black Blood: angry?
4:14 PM - Riser: dis bot stupid
4:15 PM - Black Blood: how about u get Bison to be the bot
4:14 PM - Riser: yhea
4:14 PM - Riser: possible
4:15 PM - Black Blood: might be a bit smarter
4:14 PM - Riser: hes like a bot anyway
4:15 PM - Black Blood: ya
4:15 PM - Black Blood: HAHA
4:15 PM - Riser: hes so bad at css
4:15 PM - Riser: he can be a bot
4:15 PM - Riser: THERE
4:15 PM - Riser: U GOT IT
4:15 PM - Riser: ?!!
4:15 PM - Riser: HEHE
4:15 PM - Riser: IT WERKKKKKKS
4:15 PM - Black Blood: yea
4:15 PM - Black Blood: gj about time
4:15 PM - Black Blood: did u made bison the bot that time?
4:15 PM - Riser: no
4:15 PM - Riser: u
4:16 PM - Black Blood: wtf.
GG This Riser