De_Nuke Tips And Tricks
Fun Spam Spots
Lobby to Headshotbox
So last round, you and your team decided to rush ramp. However, some n00b awper was in headshot box and easily steamrolled your team. Instead of raging and calling him a noob awper, go to this spot when you reach lobby on T side. ... _00001.jpg
After you reach that spot, then line yourself up with the cylindrical object like so ... _00002.jpg
After lining yourself up, look forward and aim right where the wall meets the beam like so. ... _00003.jpg
The Results? ... _00004.jpg
A closer look.. ... _00005.jpg
Guy got owned

. I don't have ragdolls enabled, so you can't see the mutilated body, unfortunately. :\ If they call chets, just say "I'm on Nada's Program." and they should understand.
Roof to Heaven
This one is a little iffy. The point of this one is to just put some harassment on the guy playing heaven. He'd have to be extremely dumb for you to get a kill.

But basically, at the start of the round, head to the roof and go to the left side and look towards the windows. There is a specific spot while standing on the line where you can get the guy heaven like so: ... _00006.jpg
*You'll have to zoom a bit.
Mini to Lobby
You're playing outside, however, you just got a reliable call that all of them were camping lobby. What's the right thing to do in that situation? Keep camping! However, another valid option is to use this spam spot. Which probably won't work, but who cares. From outside, get into mini and just look at hut like so. You'll see a clear view all the way to lobby. Then just shoot ... _00008.jpg
Fun Boost Spots
These boosts cannot be used on normal war-lords servers, unfortunately. However, they're still useful to know in case you ever scrim with us
T-Spawn Boost to Wallbang
At the start of the round on T-side, normally people would pass by the two poles on the left. What those normal people don't know, is that you can have a friend stand on the further pole and you then get on top of your friend, thus completing a boost. ... _00016.jpg
What's the point of this?
Well, aim at this spot right here after getting boosted. ... _00017.jpg
You should, if done fast enough, get a hit on the guy at heaven. If you're extremely lucky, then you might even get a kill.
Twinky Boost
Everyone knows this boost. I don't really think I have to explain.
Basically, get on roof with a friend. Have friend crouch on this spot: ... _00018.jpg
Get on top of him and do a couple of jumps, cartwheels, whatever and you'll end up here: ... _00019.jpg
Heaven Boost
So you know that there's one guy up there in heaven, your team doesn't have any nades, but you guys also can't rush up the ladder for obvious reasons. What do you do?
Well you have your friend stand right next to the A/C outside of hell. *Note: Hell is the bottom of Heaven* ... _00021.jpg
You get on top of him, get boosted, and you can look over heaven with ease. Easily reducing casualties ... _00022.jpg