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Have you guys ever had SourceTV on your servers?

I mean, I played a few servers a while back that had SourceTV on, and it was recording the games as demos and saving them so that admins would always have a demo to check who is cheating. Since it's recorded by the SourceTV which is in Spec all the time, you get free roaming camera and chase camera, as well as first person camera on anyone that is playing.

I think maybe it would be a good thing to have , not just for admins but for players as well. Lots of times I want to watch back kills that people have made on me, but I don't always record demos of myself, and with demos that you record personally, you can only go first person (unless you use the Drive function, which is kinda awkward). I think it would help me seeing where I have gone wrong and stuff, and could improve my game (not just me, but lots of people maybe Smile ).

Anyway, what do you guys think? Just an idea.
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It would be awesome to combine something like this with a player controlled hacker flagging system. So all a player has to do is accuse someone of hacking and it demos them playing and notifies to watch that demo.
"Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."
Yeah , or if it logged when the player joined the server, and saved the time in tick. So that when you go to check the demo, you know which tick to jump to so that you can spec the players game to see if there is anything dodgy from the start.

I dunno, I thought it was a good idea just because there would never be a time when you wouldn't have a demo.
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Seem like a good idea  :Smile
[Image: 74pkdcefk45p0ob8e76j.gif]
[Image: 164962_208.png]
For a community this big(With over 7 servers), it's gonna take up a lot of bandwidth and storage space. Am I right? I dont really know much about SourceTV. IMO, it's a good idea but ^. I'd love to get demos from my recent matches.
There are certain restrictions we can put in place to limit the storage requirements, but it's definitely no small amount of data. This is something I've been looking into, as it would save a significant amount of time in the ban/protest process.
Well when I have been recording matches, it seems roughly 1 megabyte per minute of gameplay, which really isn't that much I don't think. You wouldn't necessarily need to be recording on all the servers either. I'd just record on the most popular servers (which would be 1, 2, 4, 10 and 12).

Also you wouldn't have to keep all the demos forever. Once every fortnight you could have a clear out and delete a load of them (obviously upload them somewhere so that people can download them before they get deleted).

If the games were recorded all the time, then there would never be a time when a demo wouldn't be available. This would leave admins to be able to focus on keeping the peace between players, and only having to spec and ban, rather than record a demo, upload it and link it on here.

I dunno, I am glad that you have already thought about this Anubis, I thought it was kinda weird that it wasn't already a feature implemented on these servers. But as you say, it could take up storage and stuff, but there is always a way around everything.
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Funny, I was just talking about this with Xferior.lol.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
It sounds like it would be pretty feasable.

1mb per minute
1440 minutes in a day ( 60*24 )
17280 mb per day (1440 X 12 servers)

Have it record five minute block files on each server.

Write a little script that watches the output of the server and records when admin bans or votebans are attempted.

Drop any recorded blocks where voteban was not used within 10 minutes.

Drop reviewed clean blocks.

Drop recorded blocks older than 24 hours w/o bans or marked for further review.

Archive blocks with bans or suspicious activity.

Make a simple web interface for admins to copy+paste demo links onto sourcebans.

Sort list of demos with arbitrary algorithm.. something like ((kills/deaths)*(banvotes/notbanvotes)*((accuracy)+(headshotratio))???

I don't know how much space war-lords has access to but I bet each server has a few extra gigs on it to store its own demos for at least 24 hours or the few the need to be saved.
"Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."
Yeah, that sounds pretty good man. I will have a look at some stuff and see if I find anything helpful at some point. Glad so many people are on board with this Smile
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