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Resolved  Admin Abuse
Quote:Name: (the name u game on)

Quote:SteamID: (the steam id, duh)

Quote:(write why you are protesting this ban here)

Ruplayer purposely decided to freeze me in game as the last CT on inferno while I was walking b site. It was a 1vs1 situation.  I was already next to B site and the T was planting in B site.
The T crossed my path while I was frozen where I was stuck so I was able to kill him.

As I was defusing, I told him to not to abuse admin because I didn't see a useful purpose for deciding to freeze me other than he could.

At the beginning of the next round, he said, "Go Post on Forums" using admin chat.

I said you don't need to be a bitch.  He counterd, "Me, bitch?" and banned me.
I don't know why an idiot like that has a admin on such a populated server, he says he froze you because u followed the terrorist in to plant then killed him. If he froze anyone in a 1v1 situation most people would tell him he is a bitch or an idiot. Then after getting called a name he nerd rages and bans him. Then he threatens to ban me for questioning his actions

If dumb nerds didn't have admin this wouldn't happen.This ruplayer kid is just mad vietcong dominated him in another thread and (and in game) so this is the only thing he can do to show how upset he really is.

It's alright my sweet sweet chinchilla.
[glow=red,2,300]1)[/glow]Ok, let me start from your ban part, you have been banned by me for 4 hours for this:

Aug 7, 2011 8:16:14 am abusing (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 7, 2011 8:16:11 am don't do that (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 7, 2011 8:16:02 am I play how I want (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 7, 2011 8:15:57 am ***** (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 7, 2011 8:15:56 am stfu (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Aug 7, 2011 8:15:45 am odn't abuse (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET

I normally wouldn't ban people for 4 hours for this, but you had been banned for the same reason about a week ago. If you do not like any actions of any admins you go to forums and report this admin, not telling him to stfu, and not calling him *****.

[glow=red,2,300]2)[/glow] My admin actions against you: I, as well as other 40 people, observed you(last standing playing for ct) following a player(last standing playing for T) all the way from apartments(stairs) to the B bomb site on map Inferno, you were following him "bumper to bumper" and when he started planting you were hiding behind, so I used freeze command to you for that, but since you were already behind him, you killed him right after he planted, and I unfroze you and you had more than enough time to defuse the bomb. Then I wanted to explain my actions to you, but you didn't let me do it.

So explaining right now, it was because there are a lot of players online and they're all waiting for you or the other player to win this round, you had  a clear chance to kill him, instead you were following him, because you care much about your gameme points, but others don't, only thing I did - froze you, no slay, no ban, then unfroze you when you killed that guy so you can defuse it, because I didn't want your team to pay for your selfishness.

Player Perfect, I told you that I banned him not for selfishness, but for chat. And warned you when you started talking to me the same way. By the way I don't have power to ban you on forums, but I did nothing to you and you are talking crap to me, so you should be watching your mouth right now too, because you maybe banned from forums.
So he was tailing the last T until he planted so that he could get both the points for the kill and to defuse the bomb?
If you read this, you suck.
Again ruplayer doesn't check his information correctly.

It was 2 vs 1 situation and I was trailing one T without the bomb up middle. I headshot him and proceeded to camp the bomb for the last T.
I hid in the bedroom and the last T picked up the bomb and ran to B site with 20seconds to plant going the long way.

Since I had a pistol deagle, I was being sure to line up my shots and not mess them up.


Notice I killed TWO people.
You got to remember that I am CT and IT'S OK FOR ME TO CAMP THE BOMB HIDDEN.  But if the T gets the bomb and runs away before I can see him and runs to the site the opposite way, I wait tactically for him to cross my path to shoot him, that is a good play on my account.

You would have rushed in the site with your gun and got sprayed down by him, that's not how I play in a 1vs1 situation.

Things to keep in mind:

I was doing objective.

Ruplayer, you are not consistent as admin.  I will see you let players camp T towers on de_cbble and he won't do anything as the round ends with them still crouching and sitting in a corner.

Also you could have used admin chat to say what you needed to say instead of freezing me out in the open. FYI, I was NOT in site but walking towards it and frozen by the blue apartment truck. Last T luckily crossed my path going to pits and I shot him WHILE FROZEN.  After the T died, he unfroze me.

Wouldn't you be upset?
What are you talking about? You had AK Smile and when this action was taken it was 1 vs 1 situation=) and you clearly could kill him 100 times from behind, but you were just walking next to him, like you can see sometimes people trying to knife someone and chase the target, but you wanted him to plant so you can kill him right after he plants and defuse the bomb. About 30 sec of chasing, I guess that guy didn't have his sound on... And exclude your 4 hr ban from subject to report admin abuse, you were banned not for this, you were banned for verbal offend. All I did to you - freeze for 3 sec so he can plant the bomb and have a fair battle to defend it, but it wasn't fair already cuz you were behind him and still kill, so I unfroze you.


You are not my friend, I don't know you so an action like that... I would consider you being a douchbag.

Then I tell you not to abuse admin, you get mad and ban.

Your way of policing the servers is similar to China, Korea, and Iran. 
When you tell them to stop abusing their power, they get mad and punish you. GG.

Oh wait, you are Russian... you would know.  That's how they ruled their people.

USA is democracy.  GG.

You are inept to be admin, too young to think skillfully and form your thoughts correctly.

You act on impulse without thinking of what you do and how people will perceive that.

In other wards you lack the ability to empathize and see others perspectives.
I would not put a person with this deficit into power because they would not be a true representative of the people.
I would not vote this person into office or give them any overseeing managerial roles because they put their best interests in front of others.

When confronted, they say I did it for them but remember no one was complaining but you.

My friends that were playing on that server all messaged me about what a douchebag move that was and how you have think you are god.

They are ESEA pros and would have done the same moves as me.
The situation has been resolved; I am closing this thread.

The ban has been lifted.

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