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Rebecca Black Admirer
Yea, I'm trying to get up every other week =\
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
I like how the last 502394870239849014810 posts on this thread were by the same two people. There's something called PMs, guys. Smile
[Image: Untitled-181.jpg]
It's an open invite. Don't be jealous, you can come too.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
so you wouldn't mind me rudely barging in on your conversation?
[Image: Untitled-181.jpg]
This is an A and B conversation.... haha go for it. =]
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
This is how snowboarders express themselves! Lol just kidding, but I think this will be my last post for quite a while... GOOD BYE and GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!  :'(
Your thread title is misleading to those with poor eyesight. I could have sworn I saw Rebecca: Black Admirer. Totally not what I was expecting.....
Mount Up!

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