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Resolved  Unban?
player name General Yang
Steam ID Im nonsteam so i dont believe i have one unique to me?
I guess IP is banned then, but anywho......

First off id like to make a point that despite all your best effort of admins, you guys actually could give the adminships to regular players, people who play often and regualrly everyday, it would make the servers a whole lot better to play, and all your rules would be followed alot more often, id also like to make a point that alot of times when players are in verbal fights the admin present doesnt do much about it, but when the admin gets into one he just permanately bans the player, which is very unfair because it one means that people arent gonna be treated equally when they play, making admins virtually superior in all respects, they cant be accused. they can Hax(example ive seen loks ping hax before) and nothing can really happen to them because of their status unless they get figured out by another admin, also nobody genuniely follows the rules, and though i appluad those that do, i figure it kinda a pointless to try and mainatain and amicable gaming environment when admins are usually not present, or for that matter preventing wallhackers and aimbots(example somebody aimboted up to a score of 82 to 3 before getting detected and banned on server 12).
Despite which, when admins do appear some are really good and do their jobs perfectly, some simply just screw around and play amongst the other people, and we the regular players cant do anything about it, because your admins can play camper and make it really annoying, but we cant get mad at u guys for that because then we just get banned which is what happens in my case....

Now ill admit it, yes i was swearing, yes i was pissed at the admin(manica) who was being a little camper and constantly hiding in a corner(this was on Dust 2 DM server 12) to the tunnel at b, from behind the rock crates at B, but u see this isnt cool at all in terms of the reaction, one its simply just uncool to just continuously camp, now sure i snipe alot(camping in all respects) but i always do get out into the field and get up close and fight ppl rather than always sniping them, and most players tend to get mad at ppl who only camp, this is the case with alot of regular players, but we sort it out or simply just drop the arguements, but when it comes to an admin doing such things as i mentioned above, i don't believe its fair to just ban a person forever, and i mean, would it have killed u to just change tactics and go to something else rather then always that spot at b(well o course it a DM) but a permanate ban from the only public server in the whole U.S now thats a little harsh, maybe a 2 or 5 day ban, but forever? just for getting mad at the admin for playing camper?
Now i understand if anyone takes any offense to my arguements, though i be not trying to do that, and yes i was mad, i was swearing, and Manica decided to ban me, though i believe it to be just a tad harsh dont u think?, and also, if your gonna do it to one, why not do it everybody, unless you dont want equality on the level of rules and punishements in your servers, because thats a bit unfair considering the amount of swearing that ive seen go on throughout the servers ive been on, and ppl have accused admins of hacking, but we the players who make your glorious servers run cant do squat about it, so i mean frankly, if your gonna provide entertainment to the public on this scale, the least that can be done is equality for rules and punishments. And if you want to leave me ban thats fine, if you dont really give a damn thats fine too, all expect is a reply to this little essay, and a ruling, and if you guys want to run your servers in a manner without equality to all players(both high and low) thats not my problem or my concern. All i expect is a reply...
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
1) You do have a Steam ID. It's STEAM_0:0:1988607088.

2) You were banned for 1 day for Inappropriate Language. Calling an admin a "motherfucking camping bitch" probably wasn't the best idea.
Your ban expires on 08-27-11 18:30

3) wL server admins are picked for being active members of the community, both on servers and forums. We are regular players of all the servers that are owned by wL. Just because you don't see us, doesn't mean we aren't there.

4) Literally EVERYONE thinks they could do a better job than us at being admins. We're kinda used to it now. It doesn't really bother me, because I get my job done at the end of the day. You think you saw someone hacking? Cool, demo them, upload it to Mediafire and make a thread about it. We'll check it and ban them.

You're banned only for a day, so just chill until tomorrow and don't swear at admins. Pretty simple Smile
If you read this, you suck.
Quote:First off id like to make a point that despite all your best effort of admins, you guys actually could give the adminships to regular players, people who play often and regualrly everyday, it would make the servers a whole lot better to play, and all your rules would be followed alot more often,

17 total days and 17 hours across all the servers say I play too much...
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
i have 22 days around the servers
i have 12 days and 11 hrs in forums
you can ask to several regulars if i alredy denied to spec somebody they might think is hacking or spamming mic/chat or just trolling bad!
if you think i was ping hacking (lmao) go report me i dont care!
you i think i alredy helped you with your reports and you come here angry because your banned and talk crap about admins! wow cool!
well im tired of all this players who dont even know anything about us and raging at us!!
Bison i really hope you do something about these kind of full of angry protests because im getting tired of this bs!!
[Image: 20j1ild.png]

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