Sep 11 2011, 04:37 PM
This crosshair is awesome. Been using this crosshair for like a few days now and it improves my accuracy when I'm spraying.
cl_crosshairsize 1
cl_crosshaircolor_b 255
cl_crosshaircolor_g 0
cl_crosshaircolor_r 153
cl_crosshairthickness 5
cl_crosshairscale 5000
cl_crosshaircolor 5
cl_crosshairalpha 190
If it gives you a small crosshair when you're in game, type in "cl_legacy_crosshair_scale 0".
pTK Wrote:Never a cheater, but could be a cheater, Once a cheater, less likely legiter. Ruplayer you bitter, You gotta admit everyone's a commiter.