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kk thanks man !
ruplayer Wrote:Да, я русский. Если хочешь слышать армян и русских пиши cl_language en, но будет очень тупо если захочешь говорить тебя будут сылшать и те и другие и будешь выглядеть дураком=)  так что я рекомендую прописать cl_language english или cl_language russian чтобы вернуть назад.

If you want to listen to both Armenians and Russians you need to type cl_language en, but if you will talk - both radio channels will hear you and you will sound like a fool to one channel lol, that's why I recommend using cl_language english or cl_language russian (if you wanna listen to only russians and armenians).

У меня не робит... все равно некого не слышу. зато пинг подлетел до 400 Big Grin
Night Watch Rulez!
[Image: x_0e46e8c9.jpg]
[Image: x_b9cdfbfe.jpg]


"Hey, dudes, it you have taken away last спид?!?!"

What for I do it, and in what of advantage мета before all the rest?
- Harm decrease. To use метамфетамин иньекционно в/в there is no sense, therefore pure мет helps
To jump off from such empties, as the screw: absence of arrival and presence of cool pure draft. It helps
To come off.
- A wide spectrum of methods of the use - for all tastes Wink
- Total absence отходняков and a minimum побочем. шпунтик from it it is very far.
- Draft from pure substance, without impurity, without a dirt. Especially, if has prepared itself. And I trust myself.
- мет most рульная speed on a planet.
- You prepare for yourself, and you are released from possibility to be наебаным, отравленым, спаленым, accepted...

The components, required to us for all process:
1) Spirit of ethyl 96 % (another or weaker doesn't roll!)
- We buy in a drugstore, or we stir up at the friends who are engaged in a paint and varnish theme.
2) "Whiteness" means for washing sanitary technicians and bleachings (analogs I do not know) 1на bank
- The little squirrel is in all household shops)
3) Red phosphorus (3х valency, "central") isn't on sale in the market, but it is possible to get.
- We stir up through familiar in the industry, or it is beaten out from match коробков.
4) Acid hydrochloric (HCl), it would be desirable that concentration came nearer to 30 %.
- We buy as in household chemical goods departments, is on sale in bottles or plastic болонах. If
Smokes - it means that is necessary - to 30 % of concentration.
5) Crystal iodine (I) to find difficult: through familiar in an ambulance stationSmile
- Or from chemist's 5 % of a solution of iodine
6) "Mole" - means for washing sanitary technicians, contains liquid alkali.
- It is possible юзать any dry alkali (K0H, Na0H), but I couldn't find it. On крайняк soda or caustic натр, but I will approach
I will not describe their use.
7) Efedrina a hydrochloride. To get it is unreal (the list Smile, therefore search for a medical crystal at physicians.
- We will receive from chemist's precursors.
8) the Distilled water, or water for injections (it is applicable not on on value, with happiness). We stir up on drugstores.
9) Gasoline, an ether or toluene. Better "galosh" (Б-70), or 92, but on крайняк will go any pure (zippo, white spirit), but only not этилированный (without тетраэтилсвинца).

1) In the same place, in a drugstore it is bought:
- нафтизин or its any analog, but in a glass jar (50милилитров), with a rubber cover.
- A package of sterile cotton wool.
- A set from cars (шприцов, we apply not to destination not to be frightened):
20мл - 1а шт
10мл - 2е шт
5мл - 1шт
2мл - 1шт

2) Scales
3) ware:
- A glass glass
- The ceramic heat-resistant plate, and is better it is some. Not to use iron analogs!
- A wine-glass glass, on 50гр.
4) the heating device:
- An electric stove, a gas cooker, or very good iron.

Phosphorus (P)
Method of reception from match коробков.
If you saw sometime red phosphorus, means will understand, what it should be.
Recommendations about purchase коробков aren't present: in each region the manufacturers of matches, in чиркалах which, namely the phosphorus necessary to us there contains, contains more or less pure phosphorus, different the certificate

Night Watch Rulez!
[Image: x_0e46e8c9.jpg]
[Image: x_b9cdfbfe.jpg]
///....CFC....//// Wrote:why cant i hear anyone american lol....i only hear russians and armenians on d mic i hav never heard americans and they have never heard me haha Big Grin
we only speak russian when were talking about you cfc.
Прёт эта дрянь?
ruplayer Wrote:Прёт эта дрянь?

А ТО!  Wink
Night Watch Rulez!
[Image: x_0e46e8c9.jpg]
[Image: x_b9cdfbfe.jpg]
jowy Wrote:
///....CFC....//// Wrote:why cant i hear anyone american lol....i only hear russians and armenians on d mic i hav never heard americans and they have never heard me haha Big Grin
we only speak russian when were talking about you cfc.
u dont even know me lol oh yeah and im giving up on css...nothing works...d update doesnt work and now even  css wont start i click on css no error pops up it just doesnt do anything
re-install the game, make sure to run setti css, run exe as admin in windows xp mode... if you do all steps it most likely will run.
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